Peter's Secret Girlfriend Part 3

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Thank You All SO Much For 16 read's hope you like the story.


I was coming home to the apartment when I saw Sterling sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds her favorite show.

"Hey Sterl, how was soccer?" "Good also were going to nationals and it's going to be a home game so we don't have to travel and you can come to watch!" 

"Awesome, I'm definitely coming to cheer you on." 





Peter walks into the lab on his phone and a large smile across his face, but  I know the innocent Petey would never (or could never ) get a girl. 

"Hey kid who you who are you texting?" I ask as I see his thumbs at work and his phone buzzes and his smile get even larger, okay now I am getting suspicious. "Oh, hey Mr. Stark, uh it's u-um no one just um Ned we are talking about going to one of the soccer games tonight." 

"Okay, well which team cause the boys aren't playing tonight." "Oh really, well guess I gotta make new plans."

I knew he was lying but what was he lying about because he smiled as he looked at his phone and started homework. Then after an hour or two, he worked on the robot and then left even cheerier than normal. I knew he was going to that soccer game and so I was going to go too maybe he was secretly playing a sport. So you know damn well I'm sending Happy to find out.





I walked out of the lab with Mr. Stark looking at me weirdly, I hope he doesn't suspect I'm going to meet my girlfriend. Even though I have all my classes with Sterling I still wanted to talk to her. 

"Hey bub what's up?" Her beautiful voice went through my speaker as I put the phone to my ear and walked into the elevator.

"I just got out of the lab so I am gonna go do some spiderman then get ready for the big game!" I heard her laugh and I heard her grab the keys to our apartment and walk inside.

 "Alrighty well see you there and you better be in the jersey I bought you." "Of course see you there., Love you." "Love you too babe, bye."

As she hung up I had those butterflies I always got when talking to her. I walked into an alley and put the suit on and light's lit up my face when O heard Karen say.

"Hello, Peter how is Sterling doing?" "She's doing good she has a soccer game today. it's nationals and I am gonna wear that jersey I told you about that she got me. " "I am positive she will like that very much, but for now there is a bank robbery in process." 

I finished the robbery and helped some lady cross the street and then I help stop some mugging and went to our apartment and put on the jersey. It say's 'I'm here for my girlfriend' on the front then on the back it says her number (9). 

I take the subway with Ned as he is there for Betty, I buy some bluebell flowers as they are her favorite and we get off and make our way to the school. I see a car that looks weirdly familiar but let it slip my mind. 

I see Sterling warming up and I call her name as she sees me and smiles brightly as she starts running to me. She jumps into my arms and I have my hands under her thigh to support her. As legs are wrapped around my waist and we have a passionate kiss. 

As she is still attached to me, "Aww bub you got me flowers? Even my favorite?" She takes the out of my hand and kisses me again. As people from the team start to aww around us, I set her down and slightly bend down so she can hop on my back. I start to run to the field and listen to her small giggles and my heart swells. 

I give Sterling a good luck kiss and sit down on the bleacher's next to Ned and we talk about the patrol. When talking I see the same car that look's so familiar I just can't pinpoint from where, it moves closer to the field and I start to keep an extra eye on Sterling. 


This is honestly so stupid I don't understand why Tony can't do this? I do care for this kid but what is so wrong if he was just acting a little off. Anyways I pull up to the school and see Peter get off the subway with his friend, but he has some flowers in his hand. 

I hear his call out Sterling as I roll the windows down slightly, and a well-built girl start sprinting towards him with a smile on his face, and only then did I notice his jersey. 'Here for the girlfriend' was on the front and on the back was the number nine and her jersey had the number nine on it. 

I pieced it together and realized he had a girlfriend, but damn how on earth did Peter score her. She jumps into Peter's arms and his hand goes under her legs and they kiss, very passionately if I were to know, so I took a picture. Because blackmail. 

He gives her the flowers and they share another sweet but short kiss. Pete set's her down and she jumps on his back as they run the field. He set's her down and gives her one more kiss and makes his way up the stands. 

I decide to pull the car up a little closer to see the game and what happens. About an hour later the games and Peter's girlfriend won the game. and he ran to congratulate her. They kiss again and start to walk towards the car her he picks her up and looks like he's ready to shoot a web. When he laughs she turns his head slightly and almost drops her while saying. 


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