Peter's Secret Girlfriend Part 2

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I woke up in the middle of the night with a certain A.I. pestering me.

"Sir, Mr-"
"Friday shut up and let me sleep!"

"Alright, Sir." And with that Friday decided to notify the closest person to Peter that he was having a terrible nightmare. Which happened to be in everyone's eyes the cold emotionless person, but to Peter, she was a caring and loving aunt. When Natasha heard Peter was having a nightmare and sprinted up from her spot on the couch in her room to comfort Peter.

Natasha's POV

When I come into Peter's room he's shaking and screaming at the top of his lungs and I'm wondering why was in here sooner.

"Peter, Peter wakes up, please you're okay come on. Wake up, Peter. Friday Get Steve and Bucky Down Here!" "Mr. Bucky Barnes and Capsical are their way to you at the moment."
"Thank you, Friday."

Just as I finished my sentence I heard the boys running into the room and started to try and help me wake up Peter. And with a harsh shake, Peter shot up with a scream and starting crying, not paying attention to the Avengers scrambling to hug the petrified boy.

"Peter you're okay I promise it's okay. Shhhhhh." Natasha cooed and Steve and Bucky were starting to work together to calm the boy down and it was successful as the shrieking sobs turned into quite wimpers. "Peter, what was your nightmare about? We want to help so please tell us because we can probably relate. "

"Look I haven't told you guys and you CANNOT I REPEAT CANNOT tell anyone about this."

"Of course Peter, but what are you talking about," Steve asked politely and Peter responded. "IhaveasecretgirlfriendandhernameisSterlingandshe'sreallygreat. And I don't want anybody finding out because her dad is a really big person in the military and she knows I'm Spiderman and I can't put her in any more danger than she already so don't tell anyone because I want our relationship to remain ours and she wants it that way too. " Peter rambled

"And she died right in front of me I-I couldn't save her, the Vulture he stabbed and she was just dead."

"Peter it's okay but wait you had a secret girlfriend and never told any of us, also how long have you been dating?" Bucky asked and Natasha was curious about the last question.

"We've been together for 2 and a half years, 2 years and 3 months to be exact. And I really love her so if anyone finds out about this then I don't know what I'm gonna do if I lose her cause I just-just can't." Peter is about to break down and we all know it going into a hug promising to never tell his secret and he falls asleep in our arms. Walking out after tucking Peter in they close the door and head back to the common room.

"Alright I can't believe Peter has never told us about that, and three years, I mean he's so sweet and protective to her, and damn she is lucky. " Steve remarks. Bucky and Nat agree to come up with a plan to keep Peter and his girlfriend's relationship a secret.


As the blinds opened thanks to the pesty little FRIDAY waking him up.

"Good morning Sir how did you sleep and a record for the week of 3 hours and 54 minutes," Friday spoke with her clear robot voice and Tony responded with a weak morning grumble of "How did Peter sleep?"
"Mr. Parker had a nightmare which resulted in a panic attack and is now lacking a small bit of oxygen due to the strain on his lungs." Tony shot up and almost ran to the door but stopped and asked "Why didn't you tell me he was having a nightmare?!"
"I tried but you told me to and I quote 'shut up."
"Ugh, whatever." Tony ran to Peter's room and to hi- no the kid asleep on his side with the tear stains still shining through the sun from the window slightly shown through the curtain.

Tony felt a surge of guilt waver over him and went to kiss Peter's forehead and sat down next to him as Peter sturred. "Hey kid heard what happened last night you okay?"

Peter shot up and looked at Tony anxiously thinking he found out about Sterling. "What-what about last night what did you see what did you hear you actually heard nothing!!" Tony knew something was instantly wrong. "Hey, kid you okay what's wrong. I'm sure I can fix it."

"No Mr. Stark I can't tell you this is something I want to keep to myself."

"Okay, that's fine, well tell me when you're ready."
"Thanks, Mr. Stark I appreciate it."

"Go have some breakfast and I'll be down in a sec. Oh and kid it's Tony." And Peter walks downstairs to the kitchen while Tony takes a turn and goes for the lab. "Hey FRIDAY pull up the security footage of Peter's room last night. Please and thank you." FRIDAY started the footage.

"Sir I must not disclose the footage of the video to you, as it was spoken out of confidence for Mr. Parker as he would like it to remain a secret. " Her metallic voice flowed through the room with a shocked Tony.

'Why wouldn't he tell me I mean I think of him as a son but what could be so big that he would hide it from me, but if he isn't comfortable I'm just going to let it be.' Tony thought to himself, but was interrupted when a Mr. Katniss came down the stairs to say the rest of the team was waiting for them.

"Alright I'm coming Katinss." He came and had a amazing breakfast which Peter had helped Steve with, and they had long conversations about past missions and ended the morning cheerful and ready to take on the rest of the day.

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