Peters Secret Girlfriend Part 16

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Did he just knock out my kid? Like okay I mean I did it ok but Peter just started coughing!

"Bruce what the heck!"

"He was coughing and if he continued he was going to start vomiting," Bruce says looking at me with green veins starting to pop out So I let it go knowing he was probably right.

"Well like anything else wrong I mean could he die? BRUCE IS HE GOING TO DIE!"

"Tony, Peter is not going to die he is fine just needs to rest and besides he should be awake soon I only gave him a little bit of the drug, and with his metabolism, it should be almost done with burning through his system." Just as he finishes Peter starts to shift a little as his eyes open and Bruce moves to the side tray and starts taking a look at Peter's vitals.

"Hey kid you okay? Feel okay, like hungry tired you know Peter go back to sleep and"

"Mr. Stark I'm fine. Can I go to my room I need to do um something?"

"Do what?" What was he going to do, oh well it doesn't matter because I will find out.

"Nothing, bye!" and he finishes rushing out of the room while grabbing his backpack, but stopping for only a split second when he tried playing off a clear swaying motion of his body.

"FRIDAY tell me if anything changes in Peter's vitals and keep me updated on what he is doing."

"Of course sir," I say thanks to Bruce and walk towards my lab, and start to work on making Peter's suit bulletproof. Just because I made him a suit and took it back, then gave it to him once again doesn't mean I don't care about his health. I turn up my music and let the sounds start to blast through the lab.

I make it to my room and call Sterling seeing as she wasn't there when I woke up. Hitting her contact on my phone and waiting for her beautiful face to appear on my screen and it did my face lit up with a smile.

"Oh my god, Peter are you okay! I was worried Ms. Potts wanted me to go home and sleep but I didn't want to leave you but - but," seeing tears start to form in her eyes slightly I take the conversation into my own hands.

"Hey Sterl I understand, I'm okay, and we're both okay I am going to stay here for the night you can come over tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright well I'm glad your okay and I will see you tomorrow and I know you are going to go to school anyways despite all our actions to stop you so see you then."

Murmuring a faint bye, seeing her smile flash again before she ended the call I knew she was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with a made a big decision and hopped onto a ring website to start getting ideas. When I found the perfect ring.

The ring with her birthstone and leaves wrapping around the diamonds making a beautifully looking masterpiece

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The ring with her birthstone and leaves wrapping around the diamonds making a beautifully looking masterpiece. Seeing this my heart started to pound almost crying at imagining I could spend the rest f my life with such a beautiful caring person. My thoughts got gut off by FRIDAY speaking up to say,

"Your heart rate has elevated Peter contacting Mr. Stark." What! why but even before I could respond, getting slightly irritated all my thoughts and words keep getting cut off. I hear the pounding footsteps of Mr. Stark rushing up the stairs. He shot the gauntlet which completely blew my door off and he didn't even care before rushing to me and pulling me into an abrupt tight and loving hug. 

"Peter are you okay? What happened and why are you crying?" Wait I was crying, in the frenzy of the situation I had completely forgotten about the future with Sterling I had been thinking about.

"I need to go see someone," I say abruptly while leaving Tony confused but me needing Pepper's opinion was more important.


I get to Peter's room and see him crying looking at his laptop I run to him and push it out of the way and wrapping him in a tight hug only to pull back and ask about his tears. "I have to see someone." He saying quickly and grabbing his laptop before running out of the room and then I see what he was looking at, An engagement ring. 

"FRIDAY where is Peter going?" 

"It appears he is moving towards Pepper's office." Then that's where we're going.


I arrive outside of Pepper's office and stop to catch my breath before knocking quietly hoping to not be disturbing. A small 'come in' is heard from the other end and quietly opens the door still afraid of what she will think. When she looks up and smile creeps onto her face seeing it's I and not an annoying businessman who was bringing her more paperwork. 

"Hey, Peter what do you need sweetie?" 

"I um need your opinion on something like really important to me."

I place the laptop in front of her and her eyes widen and she clicks a few things before smiling widely at me and turns the computer to me with a message saying your order has been placed.

"Mrs. Stark please you didn't have to do that I was gonna save up and not bother you guys really you didn't have to." I start freaking out realizing she just bought me a 3,000 dollar ring for my girlfriend someone she has only met once.

"Peter I see the way you two smile when you are around each other, and both of you deserve to be happy. I love you, Peter." She says getting up and brings me into a hug. Feeling so loved I don't even think twice before saying back muffling into her shoulder.

"Love you too Pepper." And her grip tightens around my figure when Tony comes into to a smiling Pepper with me in her arms. 

"What's going on here?"

Thank you all so much for reading. I have been busy lately and writer's block is a bitch. Tell me if you have any ideas of what should happen and where Peter should propose. THANK YOU! see you all next time BYE!💙💙💙

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