Peter Parkers Secret Girlfriend 21

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I just want to say I am so truly sorry for this taking so long to get out to you guys. School started at the end of August and I have been crazy busy ever since. I have had so many quizzes and test with homework assignments and sports. I hope you understand and enjoy it!



The wedding fitting was today and Sterling was up and in a much better mood than last night during her crying session, which was filled with memories of her dead dad. "Are you sure you still want to get married?" I asked knowing how hard it would be for her to not have her dad with her on her special day and him not being able to walk her down the aisle.

"Why wouldn't I want to get married, I love you and I always will. Did something happen? Are you having second thoughts?"

"No nothing's wrong, I love you too. But I didn't know how you would do with someone else walking you down the aisle instead of your dad." My palms were starting to get clammy with the possibility of her starting to cry again with the mention of her father.


"Oh, I already have someone in mind whom I hope will be more than willing to walk me down the aisle." I always knew my father was going to walk me down the aisle, arm in arm with him as he was dressed in his pressed and steamed suit with his medals and stars proudly present on his left shoulder. While Zac Effron was standing at the alter singing "The start of something new" From the High School Musical. But now plans had changed, I know now that my dreams of marrying Zac Effron and becoming a wildcat were out of the picture. I had someone in the back of my mind, I knew I would have to ask him to be my stand-in father, his name you may ask. Tony Stark.

Yeah, asking Tony to walk me down the aisle to his almost son would be totally something easy for me to do. I have seen him as an important figure in my life for about a year, but when my dad died he filled the role of father beautifully. Tony was a huge supporter of our relationship since he first found out we were together. He also made sure everything was perfect and up to the highest standards for my dad's funerals. He made sure to comfort me when Peter wasn't there. He even tried learning how to cook for me so I wouldn't have to get up and make meals for multiple people when I was upset or extremely tired. I am so grateful to have him in my life and to have my second father figure there for me. So from when I had heard my father was dead, I knew I would have to pick the person who would be the one walking me down the aisle. I stop dead in my thoughts as I pull up outside of the lab doors, and even though I know the code I knock out of respect for his privacy.

"Oh, hey kiddo come in."

He says flipping up his welding helmet and waiting for me to open the door. I punch in the code and make my way into the room only to be greeted by FRIDAY.

"Welcome Miss Tanner, I hope you feeling much better than last night. Is there anything I can get you?"

"No, I'm good thanks for the offer though," I say looking down at my feet hoping to avoid Tony's curious eyes and worrisome features, knowing he isn't aware of me crying my heart out to Peter again last night. "What happened last night?"He asked while putting away his tools and iron man gauntlet he had been working on before I walked in. He grabbed another chair for me and gestured for me to sit down. I did so as I spoke, "Um nothing much just a chill night."

He gave me a look saying he thought otherwise. "FRIDAY car to fill me in?"

"At 2:46 AM last evening, Miss Tanner and Mr. Parker were up late due to a panic attack which occurred to Miss Tanner. They were awake for 3 hours 22 minutes and 36 seconds after the first signs of accelerated heart rate and breathing." Tony looked back at me with shock and concern, "Jeez Kid, why didn't either of you wake me up?"

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