Peter's Secret Girfriend Part 4

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DISCLAIMER: mild language
Also this one is going to be short it's just a holder until I have or until Wednesday.
I can't believe it Happy is seeing me with my secret girlfriend and - and omg this can't be happening.
Shit he wasn't supposed see me, but jeez I still can't get over the fact that the Peter Parker got a girl. Tony would be proud. My brain was fumbling in response as my eye darted between the girl and Peter. "Happy what are you doing here? And why are you following me and Sterling? Did Mr. Stark put you up for this, because I really liked a sense of privacy." Peter bombarded me with questions and my brain was till struggling after his almost angry questions. "Look kid Tony thought something was off today and told me to come here and see what was up, and clearly he was right because who is she?" I say sternly look at the girl as she inches closer to Peter who puts his hand around her waist. "I'm Sterling Peters girlfriend. I already know who you are Peter told me."
Sterling spoke to Happy and as she said she knew him a small look of shock too place on his face. She wasn't wrong I had told her about spider man and Stark and Happy and the Avengers but none of them knew about her. "Come on kid you are Sterling are coming with me to Tony" No none can know we both like having our own relationships and don't want people getting in our way. "No this is our relationship and we really want to keep it to ourselves for us to enjoy so please don't tell anyone?"
"Fine, I won't tell." I am so telling Tony. "Thank you Happy but seriously we want this to stay ours." "Okay kid whatever, just don't you know have um well." "Happy it's to late for that, you all think I'm so innocent wow." This kid has had sex really okay I guess he's not as innocent as we thought. "God kid alright go and does she know about the other part of you?" "Yeah I know I figured it out, your not good at lying especially with people you live with." They live together wow I have lots to tell Tony. "Bye Happy see you tomorrow." I say bye to Peter and his I guess girlfriend but before there out of earshot at least for Sterling " Hey how long have to been together?" "2 and a half years." And with that they swing away and I get in the car and drive back for the tower. I get to the common room and make sure no avenges are present. (Little did he know some avengers already knew)   I see Tony sitting at the island looking at something on his phone and he looks up when he hears me. "Hey Hap and news on Peter like is something wrong or not?" I decide to tell Tony because well even though I do secretly like Peter I just want to see the look on his face when Tony finds out. "He has a girlfriend and the have been dating for 2 and a half years." "WHAT"

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