Peters Girlfriend Part 12

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We walk out into the parking lot and start making our way to the train station while having another conversation.

"Hey why, why don't we just get engaged you know." Sterlings question shocked me and I stopped to look at her.

"I mean not like getting married until we go to college just engaged so we can make it kind of official."

"I like that idea I mean just don't go through my phone or laptop, I don't need you finding something." We laugh and make our way to the train station walking home and falling asleep.



I still can't believe he hid this from me, but oh well maybe I could get them to have a date here.

Yes that's what I'll do. When Peter gets here find a way to get Sterling over here as well. I have an idea.

Picking up my phone I get past my Lock Screen and dial up Happys number. "Hey Happy I need you to pick Peter up from school and make sure he gets in the car." Before he can even think about protesting, I've hung up the phone getting my plan ready for a fun little date at the tower.


I walk out of school one hand wrapped around a Sterlings left hand and the other arm snaked around her waist spinning her and dipping her before giving a small kiss.

"Wow love you too Mr Romantic, see you after Stark's." She says eyes with a certain sparkle, before giving her one more kiss goodbye, I say, "Love you too and tell me all about soccer when we get home." And with that we part ways.

For a moment I get a little stuck in place seeing a sleek black fancy looking car, which means Happy, which means he saw everything and something might be wrong with Mister Stark.

I slowly make my way to the car opening the door and sitting down, a light red flush covering my cheeks knowing he had seen my moment with my girlfriend. Sitting down in silence, and before I even look up from setting my backpack down on the seat Happy says "cute." Before pulling the barrier up. My face immediately darkening in a shade of red.


After a very long and uncomfortable drive, which in reality, was only half and hour long really. We pulled up at the tower I said a quick thanks to Happy and swipped my badge and started walking to the elevator as FRIDAY.


"Sir Mr. Parker has arrived and is headed up to the elevator." Perfect my plan was working, time to put a little bit of sleeping stuff in his chocolate milk I was going to give him knowing he would drink it happily.

"Hey Kid, here."
"Thanks Mister Stark, so what we doing?" Crap I hadn't thought this far ahead uhhh I don't want him to fall when he passes out from the stuff he is currently drinking or panic from feeling like fainting.

"I thought movie because well why not come on."
"Okay!" He says excitedly sitting up swaying a little which meant it was working so I put my arm around his shoulder hurridly getting him to the
couch before he might have fallen and hit is head.

We sit down and I ask Friday to start up a movie seeing Peters eyes slowly droop as his head falls into my lap knowing he's out cold and it will take him years or an earthquake to wake him up. I call down all the avengers and let them have their unsuccessful turn of trying to wake Peter up. My plan was working, time to call his girlfriend.

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