Peter Parkers Secret Girlfriend Part 19

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Author: The time I am writing this part Tomdaya has been announced publicly as they were MAKING OUT IN A CAR. Ahh I'm so happy for them but it also sucks for it to be announced like this. Well on with the story!

I had finished my rant with Clint and Sam and was now head to my son, whom Happy was trying to load into the car.

"Move." I say quietly to Happy who just drops Peter into my arms, and he opens the door for Sterling who gets in on the other side after a quick thank you.

After making sure Peter is laid flatly on the seat with Sterling holding his head brushing the small hairs out of his closed eyes, with concern clearly flashed on her face.

I jumped into the front seat and Happy immediately sped off. I know he acts all annoyed for Peter but know he is clearly trying to keep his composure.

"Hey! Peter, babe are you okay?" Sterling spoke and adjusted Peter so his head was more in her lap.

"Are is open?" My anger flashing through my system once again for those idiots hurting my kid.

"Yeah, but he's clearly not comprehending anything." I felt Happy slow down knowing there was a pot hole coming up. I think Sterling knew as she took Peters hand in hers and held us head more closely to her.

We hit the pot hole and the most concerning  blood curdling scream came from Peters raw throat, as his wrist was pressed up against his body but hit the back of the seat.

I looked at Happy and he nodded, he then floored it.

We arrived at the tower in under five minutes with me and Happy looking at the rear view mirror. While I was tired around the whole time making sure nothing else happened to Peter.

Happy hit the curb as we skidded to a stop outside of the back door.

"Friday, get Bruce down to the medbay and prep it for Peter." I rambled while running to Peters door.

"Already done sir, I have concluded Peter has a broken wrist and 2 ripped tendons near his palm and pointer finger. This information has been sent to Dr. Banner."

I silently thanked Friday but cursed at myself the same time knowing how long it was going to take to hear a Norma tendon. Let's just hope his healing work double time.

By this time I we had Peter in the elevator floor while Happy had a ice pack in his hand. Which was helping to cover the blue, black and purple bruise already covering his skin around the exposed bone.

The elevator stopped smoothly and the doors opened to see a Dr. Banner. Bruce looked at his wrist and the veins in his neck flashed green he saw what Sam and Clint did.

Gurney in his hand he can down to the level Peter was and we lifted him onto the gurney, but it came with some screams of pain as Peter was fully conscious.

Once he was on the gurney we wheeled him down to the medbay as Bruce pulled him into the room locking everyone but Sterling out, as she was there for comfort. Like an emotional support animal.

Me and Happy sat down across the room, I pulled out my phone to make a text saying Peter and I were going to be late for dinner. I set my phone down and didn't look at it even while it was blowing up with questions asking me why.

I was walking down to the training room, which was right next to the medbay in case anyone got injured while we were preparing for a missions.

I stop in my tracks right before the door when I hear a blood curdling scream and a what sounds like a bone snapping. I head to the medbay to find out what's happening when I see Tony and Happy sitting in chairs along the wall.

"Who just screamed bloody murder?" I finished and another terrifying sound came from the door across the hall, Happy flinched.

"Peter." Tony sighed and leaned back to put his head on the wall while running his hands over his face. Why Peter? What had  happened to my baby spider (it's in Russian but google translate didn't like copying and pasting on my phone.)

"What happened and who did this?" I said deathly calm when inside I was shaking with fear of wondering how bad my baby spider was hurt.

"Sam and Clint played a prank which ended with Peters bone popping out of his wrist." Happy spoke up and was glancing at the door when small whimpers came out, which turned into more screams.

"What did they do?" I was still a little confused on how his bone was now out of his skin.

Tony spoke this time and said it in a whisper. "He was going to propose but those idiots wanted to ruin the date he had planned and, well Sam flipped Peter causing him to land on his wrist so now  your all caught up."

I left knowing I had some peoples ass's to kick, but my baby spider was in good hands.

Pain was all around my body as Bruce was trying to get the bone which was hanging out of my body back under skin.

Sterling was there are I gripped her hand while he was busy bringing her fingers through my hair and gliding her thumb over the back of my hand over and over again.

When he stopped and the click of my bone going back to where it's supposed to be by body let out a sigh of relief as my throat was dry from crying and screaming. Bruce finished stitching my skin but thankfully he could numb that part of the process so it didn't hurt to bad.

He left me a Sterling along for a minute while he went to get Tony, I sat up pulled Sterling next to me on the bed and we kissed.

"I love you." Those three words made the pain forgotten as I repeated them myself to the person next to me, my person. My thoughts were stopped though when Tony burst into the room with Happy behind him.

Sterling got off the bed and moved behind me while still keeping a tight grip on my hand. After the whirlwind of question I was able to leave, Sterling and I made our way to the elevator.

I was helped into the bed by my best friend, and she down next to me. My nerves were raging. "Hey um Sterl?"

"Yeah." She said looking into my eyes only making my life changing question easier to put out into the world.

"I have tried to do this once and failed, terribly. And thought about doing it like a million times, well not a million but.." my rambling got ahead of its self.

"Will you marry me?" My question sealed into existence and left to be answered.


I'm sorry I know I am mean! Ahhh well you'll have to wait for the next part! Erin out!

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