Peters Secret Girlfriend Part 17

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I walk into Pepper's office wondering why Peter wouldn't come to me and chose Pepper. Like what is so important that I can't fix? Was it about the thing on the computer? My conspiracy is immediately stopped when I see Pepper with her arms wrapped tightly around Peter with tears in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Peter stops and his grip on Pepper loosens, he looks a little shocked but a smile starts to creep onto his face.

"I um was ju-just wondering if I should propose to Sterling. And I was showing Pepper the ring and it was really expensi-."

"Well I'll buy it, and your gonna propose. Where, When?"

"I already bought it. Come look at it it's stunning." Pepper speaks up looking proud of the fact that she bought it first. I roll my eyes and start to walk to the computer and stopped immediately when I saw the ring he picked out. (If you don't know what it looked like it is in the last part.)

"Wow, Peter you have great taste." I look back at Peter and see his face starts to sink and his smile fades.

"Do you think she'll like it?" I pull Peter into a literal bear hug and add Pepper to it.

"Peter of course she will love it. Now, where are you going to propose?"

"I have an idea."


I knew I was going to propose near the Bow Bridge in Central Park. It's where I told her I was Spiderman, and when I told her to felt like another chapter in my life had been opened and I think I would love to have that moment again with Sterling once more.  My trip home was accompanied by Mr. Stark wanting to see our apartment which was completely paid for by Sterling's job and the paycheck Mr. Stark had to literally hack into my account so I couldn't;t refuse it.

"Wow, this place is nice." Speaks Mr. Stark when we pull up the building.

"Well it's a lot smaller inside but we like it that way." Leading him through to the elevator earning a few weird looks from people who were confused as to why a teenager was with Tony Stark.

"Are you sure she is going to say yes? I mean we have been talking about it a lot but our plan was always after high school." My voice inching closer and closer to the end to barely a whisper.

"Peter," he states pulling to face him by my shoulders while the elevator was slowly climbing the levels of the building.

"She will love it, you know plans change and if you have talked about it a lot then I see no reason why she wouldn't say yes to your puppy eyes." He finishes just in time for the elevator to make its classic ding noise alerting us both we were at our stop. Grabbing the key out of my thin coat pocket (which Tony obviously bought him a better jacket seeing his thin one) and putting it in the hole and pushing forward caused the door to creak open letting the smell of Mexican food waft through my nose knowing Sterling had made dinner instead of us normally buying take out.

"After you," I say to Mr. Stark which caused him to roll his eye but step into the small yet cozy apartment. We had two giant windows that overlooked a pretty good spot of Queens and next to the windows were 2 potted plants to, you know brighten up the place a little. A large area rug was sprawled out under the one couch we had which was facing a TV Tony had bought me for Christmas and screwed into the wall. The Kitchen which was connected was small but perfect for the two of us and the only hallway we had lead us to the one-bedroom part of the apartment.

"You like it?" I could tell he was kind of impressed but something else was on his face that I didn't know.

I have to say the apartment was nice but you could tell they didn't have a lot of money also what is that amazing smell. I look over at Peter and see he is studying my face.

"Oh, hey Mr. Stark I made enchiladas want some?" That's what the smell was and it was incredibly hard holding in my laugh when I see Peters face light up at the sound of enchiladas.

"Sure. Oh and it's Tony that goes for you too Peter." I say turning around and pointing my finger at him and HE ROLLS HIS EYES what is happening to Peter!

"Sure! So let's eat!"

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