Chapter 34

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"Rosaline Princeton. I am so in love with you. I've never felt like this before with anyone. And I don't want to. I'm not even sure I fully understand it; but I do know that it's you I want next to me for the rest of my life. I want to wake up next to you everyday, share my life with you... even start a family with you one day. And I can't let you slip away; it would be my biggest regret. I want you to know that I will leave the crown behind for you Rose. If that's what you want, or if that's what I need to do, I will do it for you. Because I love you. But, if you'll have me...

Rosaline Princeton. Will you marry me? And become the Crown Princess, heir to England's throne, by my side."

The Engagement

I stare at him, my mouth agape. My heart is racing again, beating so loudly that I can hear a whooping and thumping in my ears. My vision starts to go blurry and the world feels like it's spinning. And yet, I stand perfectly still, frozen to the spot in absolute shock.

Here is Stefan... knelt before me... proposing to me! Is this what I want? Hasn't this been what I've wanted for the last few months? He's here, fighting for us. Choosing me. I gaze into his eyes and can feel myself starting to melt. I love this man so much; how can I say no? It's my one and only chance... and if I say no I'll loose him. Forever this time.

I open and close my mouth, seemingly unable to form any words. He looks up at me expectantly, patiently waiting.

"Yes.... Stefan, yes! Oh my god yes! Ofcourse. Yes yes yes!" I can feel my eyes begin to water.

A wide smile breaks out across Stefan's face. He takes the ring from the box and places it on my fingers before throwing his arms around my waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he spins me around as we share a heavenly kiss. It's like no kiss we've shared before. And there, in his arms, I finally feel truly happy. And secure. And I know I've found my person.


*2 weeks later*

Today is the 18th September; the day of Stefan and I's engagement party. His birthday is next week (the 25th) and the wedding is set for that very day: it's going to be quite the extravaganza.

It's been 2 weeks since Stefan fled his own wedding and flew to England to propose to me. And I said yes!

It's been hectic these past 2 weeks. Absolute chaos. And it's been hard for me, I won't deny that. I've questioned my decision more than once since saying yes and even now I still have doubts. Massive ones. The night he proposed to me, we returned home to find Lexi waiting in the living room for us. By the time we got back it was around 4am so we ended up just staying on the sofa cuddled up and just talking everything through; Lexi left us to it around 5am. When everyone woke up and descended the stairs the following day, it's safe to say they were a little more than just surprised to see Stefan stood in the living room.

And even more so upon seeing my ring and hearing the news.

Stefan flew back to England later that day, to deal with the aftermath he'd left behind upon fleeing, speak with his parents and parliament and to make wedding arrangements. We decided I'd fly out a few days later to meet him, to allow a couple of days for the dust to settle, so I could help sort out wedding plans and prepare for the big day.

It's such a surreal experience... there's nothing like it. I'm 19 and getting married. And not just to any old person, but to a Prince! And not only that, but the wedding is happening within the month! It's just like something out of a book. It's so surreal you wouldn't believe it unless it was happening to you; as it is to me. And even then, I'm struggling to believe it's real...

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