Chapter 7

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"I'll pick you up and walk you to dinner. I'll be here later." He murmurs. Without giving me a chance to reply, he turns and leaves my heart bursting to the brim with aching and longing for him. ...Longing for his love and affection. What is this? What is happening to me...

Meeting Laura

"Oh my goodness gracious! What an earth happened miss Rosie?" Courtney exclaims. Lily's mouth is wide in shock. I must look a right mess. But I don't mind too much. I had an amazing day, and am so happy to have made these three friends already. I might not have been here long but it's already looking up. And Stefan is an amazing guy... I'm actually almost finding myself glad I was selected to come. Who'd have ever thought I'd say that? Certainly not me! ... Although note I'm inserting almost merely out of stubbornness.

Lily and Courtney hastily run a warm, soapy bath for me and hurry me into it, clearly eager to have me clean and shining once again. They wash my hair using some coconut and vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. Then give me the same scented gel to wash my body.

They hand me a silken bath gown which I slip on and head into my bedroom. My clock tells me it's 17.05 and dinner is not until 20.00, although we're due at the eating room for 19.30. So I have a little while yet. I decide to just laze around in for a couple of hours in this oh so comfortable silken gown until I'll have to wear a dress for this evening.

At 18.30, the girls return and Lily sits me down to sort out my hair. She agrees to leave my hair natural this evening so, after drying it, merely applies a dusting of natural make up to compliment my face and carefully brushes and dries my hair. She then lets the silky waves fall around my face and over my shoulders. By the times she done this, it's almost 19.00 and there's a knock at the door.

I approach it and open it slowly to find Stefan standing there.

"Hey there again."

"Stefan! You're early... I'm not uh ready..." I trail off and look down at my flimsy gown. He laughs and nods.

"I know. I guessed. I know you had your picture taken in sweats but I doubt even you'd come to dinner with the King and Queen of England this informal... stunning as you look." He smirks.

"Hey; I just might you never know. You've brushed up pretty well yourself I guess." I lie. He's wearing a black suit with a crisp white shirt underneath, and it's making me dizzy. He wears it magnificently. He looks even hotter then normal tonight; I didn't even know that was possible?

"I try-"

"Hey, actually, I'm pretty sure I can see that chocolate on your face still... Just right here-" I lift my hand up to point to where I flicked chocolate at him earlier. He narrows his eyes at me and gently grabs my wrist.

"Shut up you."

He drops my arm gently and I let it fall to my side. "You gonna let me in to wait then?" He teases, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Oh! Right, oops. Sorry, come in Stefan!"

"Why thank you! I was wondering what it'd take for a poor guy to get an invite into a room in his own home." He mocks. My arm shoots out and I slap him on the arm, as he passes me, before I even realising what I'm doing.

"Hey! Did you just slap me? Crown Prince Stefan Arthur Alexander Williams?!" He gasps dramatically.

I pause before shrugging. "Yeah, I guess I did." I smirk at him.

"Hmmm... Fair enough." He laughs, plopping himself onto my bed. "Just don't get used to it. I don't normally play so nice." He leans back and lies down.

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