Chapter 27

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"Get out of my way, I'm tired." I grit, shoving him slightly so I can get to my door and open it. I slip into my room, trying to close the door behind me, but Damon beats me to it, closing the door for me - only with him inside of my room.

"Wrong side." I mumble in frustration.

"So what now?" He grins, flopping onto my bed and reclining, propping himself up on one elbow so he can still see me. "I'm all yours."


"You have some nerve." I sigh, mentally prepping myself for what I want to say to Damon.

"Thank you."

"Not a compliment." I deadpan.

"I know."

"You're so frustrating! You know that right?"

"It's all part of my charm Rosaline."

"Charm? Pfttt... Sureeeeee. Why are you here."

"I live here."

"As in my room smartass." I rub my temples in frustration already feeling a headache coming on, no doubt induced by this idiot.

"Technically this is my room..."

"Damon! I swear. I'm not in the mood for your games."

"Fine! Ok, ok." He raises his hands in surrender. "A little birdie told me you were leaving! And I actually came to say goodbye."

I examine his face carefully for any signs of betrayal or guilt. Who knows why though, it's not like he's an upstanding citizen so I'm not sure why I'm expecting to find any such markers. "I wouldn't call you a little birdie... more an egotistical asshat."

He tilts his head slightly at me. "You're implying it was me?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I know it was you."

"And what if I said it wasn't?"

"I wouldn't believe you."

"Well then it must have been me." His words are annoyingly vague. He seems to neither to confirm nor deny what he's done, only avoid it and it just frustrates me more. Not that it matters. I know it was him. Rolling my eyes I exit the room and head into my bathroom. Closing the door, I decide to take one last relaxing bath before my final night in the palace. Hoping Damon will get the hint to leave, I close the door behind me - making sure to lock it - before running myself a bath, stripping and then stepping in.

Almost an hour later, I feel refreshed. Ready for bed and ready to leave. Sighing in content, I slip on my silk shorts and cute as hell T-shirt with a teddy bear on, before returning to my bedroom whilst rubbing my hair dry with my towel.

"Cute, I like it." A man's voice makes me scream in surprise. Looking up at the bed I see Damon lying just as I left him.

"Damon get out!" I screech, instinctively chucking my towel at him. Unfortunately, he manages to catch it before it hits hit face.

"Wet... lovely."

"What are you still doing here?" I growl. "Go away!"

"But I want to spend time with you." He pouts, smirking at me.

"I thought you hated me? Go back to hating me."

"I don't hate you." He frowns. "I hate Stefan."

"Well could you hate me? Atleast I'd get some peace and quiet." I grumble, plopping myself down next to him on my bed. I refuse to be kicked out of my own bed by the likes of Damon. I mean technically it's more his than mine, but that's not the point. It's a point of principle.

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