Chapter 28

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"Well isn't this familiar." He smirks, lifting his hand to tenderly brush the hair from my face. Before I can react, he lifts his head and connects our lips.

And that was how I spent my last night in England. With none other than the Crown Prince of England in our own slice of idyllic paradise.


I had returned back to the palace to find Courtney and Lily waiting for me. Stefan returned the horses to the stables; he told me I'd be welcome anytime and Storm would always be my horse. She would never be sold or given to anyone else; I could visit her whenever. He even offered to arrange for her transport to America, but it was something I decided not to have done quite yet. Maybe, in the near future, once I'm home again and settled back into my old life. But currently, I don't have the money, or a facility for her. One day I'll be ready to bring her over; but until then she will be well cared for at the Royal Stables.

But I will miss her dearly.

All my belongings have been packed, ready to be loaded into the car. "We just wanted to say goodbye." The girls and I share a three way hug before they take my bags and wave goodbye for the last time.

I'll miss them even more so.

Glancing at my clock, it reads 9am. I have 3 hours...

Lexi's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "How's my midnight runaway?" I glance up to see her coming into my room with Dylan and Laura flanking her either side.

"What?" I reply innocently.

"We came by earlier but you weren't here. Care to spill?" She smirks expectantly at me

"There's really nothing to tell..." I lie.

"Fine! I'll let you keep your secrets. For now anyway. How about you join us for a last brunch?"

"Okay. Let's do it."

Laura has arranged for one of the rooms in the palace to be set up for our breakfast. There's a large round table with 4 chairs in the centre of the room. There's a white tablecloth decorated with lace on the table, a large vase of colourful flowers placed as the centre piece on the table. There are 4 places laid, each with a plate, bowl, multiple sets of cutlery and cups and saucers with spoons. There's tea, coffee, fruit, pastries, toast, eggs, sausages, hash browns, beans just to name a few of the many food items on the table. Anything you can imagine even remotely relating to breakfast is on the table.

"Wow!" I let out a whistle. "I'm impressed! Thank you Laura." I grin.

"I could do with this every day, hint hint Laura." Winks Lexi.

"This is so delicious!" Dylan shouts with a mouthful of croissants, and I have to laugh. He's already seated, a cup of coffee poured and his plate laden with food. That boy does not waste any time does he... wow. "What are you waiting for?"


There's a surprisingly high number of people waiting to say goodbye to me by the entrance to the palace. All my bags are packed and I'm about to leave for good. Turning I see all my friends stood there smiling, as well as a couple of surprise guests.

"I'm going to miss you so much! I'm sure I'll see you again soon Rosie. Thank you for making this whole experience so much better than I was expecting." Dylan brings me into a tight hug.

"My turn!" Lexi grabs me from Dylan's embrace pulling me into her own. "I can't wait till I come see you back home! Make sure to keep in touch... I don't know how I'll survive with this one on my own." She jerks a thumb in Dylan's directing, a mischievous smile spread upon her face.

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