Chapter 33

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The man who's just run into the car moved too quickly for anyone to identify him... including the cameras try as they might. However, the assembly at the door - or rather lack of - seems to indicate to one person.


It's All About You

It's been almost an hour since the mysterious figure bolted from Westminster Abbey. Chaos ensued. The presenter tried to find out what was happening but it seems no one knew. Numerous cars came and went to collect confused guests and members of the royal family. The crowds stayed for the most part, curious to know the what and why...

We've decide to play a board game to pass the time. Unfortunately, monopoly wins the majority vote. I decide to abstain from playing, mainly to allow everyone else to enjoy the game. What can I say? It seems monopoly brings out the worst in us... in me.

"The King and Queen have officially announced no wedding will be taking place today but have declined to comment why." This shocking revelation comes a whole three hours after 12.

The presenter bids a very confused goodbye as it seems his air time has come to an end. "Thank you for watching today everyone. As soon as we know more, we'll be back to update you. But until then, this is Nigel Hastings; coming to you live from Westminster Abbey, London."

We turn the TV off, unsure what to think. I hurriedly excuse myself to my room. I send Dylan a text to find out what the hell happened. I don't know what I'm expecting. He's hardly going to reply; there's probably a personal - i.e. family - emergency and what's why they had to rush from the ceremony to attend to private matters. That's the only thing that can stop a wedding right?

The rest of the day seems to crawl by slower than a snail's pace. Dylan doesn't reply - as I predicted. I guess they are dealing with a family crisis... But I still want to know what happened. What's going on? Are they ok? No further statement has been released to the media by the palace. No word, no rumours even, no nothing.

Lexi and Alex, and their parents, are staying over tonight. Since Em and Alex started dating, their parents and ours have actually become fairly close which is nice. It means we get to see each other quite a lot which is definitely a bonus for Lexi and I. Plus, I'm happy for Em; she's never seemed so happy and Alex is such a gem from what I can tell. From what I've seen, she managed to catch a real keeper. Michelle and David (their parents) are staying in the guest room. Alex is staying in Em's room and Lexi's sharing mine. We only have one spare room... but I still can't believe my parents agreed to Em and Alex sharing! Yet, here we are. Pigs can fly now apparently.

I don't know how long I waste in my room on my own with my thoughts whirring round my head, but eventually Lexi comes up to tell me food's ready. I frown, not really hungry. "At least try eat something?" She suggests.

When I come down I see mum has made my favourite - spaghetti bolognese. "Aww thanks mum." I smile in appreciation. I love mum's bolognese. I don't know what she does - or doesn't do - but no one else's even comes close.

I'm not really hungry but I do my best to thank mum's gesture by eating atleast half of my portion. "Movies?" I shrug at Em's suggestion. I don't really care what we do.

"We'll clear up." Michelle smiles.

"Nonsense!" Mum chides, ever the model hostess. "Leave that to us. You're our guests, just relax."

In the end, the grown ups stay in the kitchen with glasses of wine while the rest of us retire to the living room to watch a movie. A group vote decides 'Crazy Rich Asians' as the winner. Poor Alex never had a chance; although, to his credit,  he's very accommodating and patient. FairPlay.

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