[ 003 :: RUN RUN RUN ]

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some time had passed since kamo noritoshi had visited the ( l/n ) clan household.

no other suitors had come after him, and it confused the ( h/c ) haired girl. her grandfather had clearly told her that several men were in the marriage line.

"by the way, why haven't any other suitors come after noritoshi-san?" she spoke out after chewing on her nightly ramen, looking at her older family member.

"i dunno either, they backed down for some reason." he shrugged, chewing on his own ramen noodles.

she pondered possibilities for a while before letting go of the topic and decided to proceed to her next dinner routine.

"can i go outside tomorrow?" she asked for the thousandth time, at least as she remembers.

"no. when are you going to stop asking me that?" her grandfather irritably grunted, furrowing his eyebrows.

"when you allow me to step foot out this household."

the girl internally sighed to herself.

yes, it had been several years since she'd last step foot outside the house, the only time she remembered going out was when she was young and 15.

she could still vividly remember the excitement that surged through her veins when she finally sneaked out, going towards the next town where she forced her socially awkward self to talk with the townsfolk.

she was quickly brought back by force the next day as soon as someone had snitched on her though.

ever since then, hirokotoshi had heightened the security in the house and hired more guards.

although the girl's situation made her seem like she was living the life of rapunzel, she was different from the princess.

she wasn't stupidly naive like the princess was, she knew of the many things that happened outside of her house, whether it was good or bad news and situations.

and for some odd reason, her grandfather still made her train sorcery even if he never allowed her outside, where the curses she was supposed to exorcise were. she was still confused about it to this day, but she saw it as a sign that maybe her grandfather would allow her to step foot outside one day.

she finished up her bowl of ramen and stood up, bringing the bowl to the kitchen sink, immediately heading towards her room right after.

12 years had passed after she last tried to escape, who said she would stop trying?

she glanced outside her window, where several men and women in black suits were stationed, just a few feet within the veils that one of them casted.

she silently laid out her plan, grinning to herself as she imagined the success of her plan. 'i can finally be out of the dreadful cage!' she cheered.

and so, she proceeded with the first step of her plan.

waiting until midnight.

midnight was the only time they'd lower their guards, even if it was just a little.


at exactly 12 am, the eager girl woke up and slipped into her black full body suit, took a few small blades with her in case she ran into any curses and hit all the guards by the side of the neck, rendering them unconscious.

she watched as the veil slowly disappeared like how a bubble would when popped, and giggled quietly.

( y/n ) wasted no time in running towards the thick forest that was rumoured to be haunted, thus meaning a significant amount of curses would be present.

she preferred exorcising them, but avoiding them would be the best option in this current situation.

effortlessly, she leaped between the branches of the trees, fast enough that she would avoid the curses that were lingering up and high enough so that none of them could reach up to her.

she continued to run and run, not caring if her legs were beginning to cramp up, the air rushing past her as a smile fought its way to her lips.

her once pale and faded eyes soon began to fill with color and sparkle, the world slowly glowing brighter in her eyes as she jumped off the last tree.

a rush of euphoria and glee overtook her senses as soon as she was met with the sight of the city, multicolored lights illuminated the area as cars sped along the highways.

she could finally remember the feeling she felt 12 years ago, a feeling she once believed she would never feel again, but here she was, outside of the cage she was trapped in.

"she can't be too far!"

several shouts soon brought her out of her trance, her eyes widening as she quickly ran towards the city. she was here now,

no way in hell was she going to let them catch her.


( y/n ) soon found herself in an alleyway, trash scattered around as cats quickly scurried away at the sight of her.

turning her head, she made sure no one else followed after her, heightening her senses to be sure before lowering them once again. a relieved sigh escaped her lips before she continued to walk through the dark space.

she made it out without trouble, several people walking past her. parents held their children in their arms, couples walking hand in hand, and some people walked alone.

( y/n ) decided to blend into the crowd, not caring about her attire as it was almost normal in tokyo. her eyes scanned the stores that she passed by, taking mental notes of what she needed to buy.


finally, she made it between an alley of two certain buildings she had typed out in her phone screen. a relieved but tired sigh escaped her lips as she looked around, soon spotting a familair male with black hair and closed eyes.

noritoshi kamo stood there, leaning against a wall as his arms here crossed, his pointer finger anxiously tapping on his opposite arm.

"noritoshi-san!" ( y/n ) called out, catching the male's attention as she happily waved her arms. a relieved expression took over noritoshi's features as he smiled towards his friend.

the male uncrossed his hands and walked towards the ( e/c ) eyed girl, "you took quite a long time, i was beginning to worry." he spoke, a hand moving up to ruffle the girl's hair.

"well, i did get distracted on the way here, but i am here, right?" she chuckled while lightly swatting the male's hand away from her head, fixing her ( h/c ) locks after.

"yes, i guess you are right." the male answered.


the two averted their attention to the phone that was hidden in noritoshi's pocket, his hand fishing out the said item. he turned on the phone, the screen lighting up as his wallpaper was show-cased, the notifications appearing below the time.

"ah, my friend's getting quite irritated, let's hail a cab and head there immediately." noritoshi stated, placing his phone back in his pocket.

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