[ 022 :: HURRY BACK, PLEASE. ]

394 15 1

the moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silver glow over the quiet streets of seoul. the city's usual hum of life was unnaturally muted, a heavy tension lingering in the air that signaled the presence of something sinister. as you navigated the narrow alleyways, the hair on the back of your neck stood on end. you could sense it—an immense cursed energy, suffocating in its intensity.

suddenly, a low, menacing growl broke the silence, reverberating off the walls of the surrounding buildings. you halted, your breath visible in the chilly air. from the shadows emerged a monstrous figure, towering and grotesque, its multiple eyes glinting with an eerie, malevolent light. the gumiho spirit, a first-grade cursed spirit, had manifested. it was born from the fear of wickedness and trickery. its twisted form pulsated with dark energy, and an aura of despair radiated from it, chilling you to your core.

you steadied your breathing, your heart pounding in your chest as you prepared for the fight. the cursed spirit let out a roar, shaking the very ground beneath your feet. with a swift, terrifying movement, it lunged at you, its massive claws slicing through the air with lethal intent.

dodging to the side, you summoned your cursed energy, feeling it surge through your body like a torrent. "binding chains" you whispered out of breath, activating your technique. chains of ethereal energy erupted from your hands, wrapping around the spirit's limbs and anchoring it in place. the spirit thrashed against the binds, its wails echoing through the alley, but your technique held firm.

with the spirit momentarily restrained, you closed the distance between you. your hands moved with precision, delivering a series of rapid strikes to its vulnerable spots. each hit was infused with cursed energy, causing the spirit to recoil in pain. but it was resilient, its sorrow-fueled strength keeping it from succumbing easily.

the spirit broke free from your chains with a burst of raw power, sending you flying back. you skidded across the ground, quickly regaining your footing. the spirit's multiple eyes fixed on you, their gaze filled with malice and anguish. it charged again, its speed belying its massive size. you met its attack head-on, blocking its claws with your forearm and countering with a powerful punch to its torso.

the impact sent a shockwave through the alleyway, and the spirit staggered back. seizing the opportunity, you focused your energy into a single point. "black flash" you yelled, driving your fist into the spirit's core. the concentrated cursed energy exploded on impact, tearing through the spirit's defenses.

but the gumiho was far from defeated. It let out a laugh, the sound filled with such profound arrogance that it momentarily paralyzed you. taking advantage of your hesitation, the spirit swiped at you with its claws, tearing through your jacket and leaving deep gashes on your arm. you bit back a cry of pain, quickly jumping back to create some distance.

breathing heavily, you assessed the situation. this spirit was not just a physical threat; it was an embodiment of trickery. you could feel its oppressive energy trying to seep into your mind, to drag you into the depths of constant anxiety. but you couldn't afford to lose focus. summoning every ounce of your willpower, you fortified your mental defenses and prepared for the next round.

the spirit's chortling grew louder, its form shifting and contorting in its rage. you needed a new strategy. closing your eyes for a brief moment, you reached deep within yourself, tapping into the pure, raw energy that was the hallmark of who you were. when you opened your eyes again, they were glowing with a fierce, determined light.

As the spirit lunged at you once more, you sidestepped its attack and channeled your energy into a different technique. "( technique name )!" you intoned, your voice echoing with power. a radiant light burst forth from your hands, enveloping the gumiho. the light wasn't just a physical attack; it was an assault on the very essence of the curse, targeting the fear and despair that fueled it.

the spirit writhed and screamed, its form flickering and growing fainter. you pushed forward, maintaining the intensity of your attack. the alleyway was bathed in the brilliant light, the oppressive darkness receding as the spirit's energy was purified.

with one final, agonized wail, the spirit disintegrated, its cursed energy dissolving into the night. the alleyway fell silent once more, the heavy tension lifting as the spirit was vanquished. you stood panting, the adrenaline slowly ebbing away, and the searing pain in your arm reminding you of the battle's toll.

you sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle in. the battle had been intense, but you had emerged victorious. as you walked away from the scene, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. you had faced a formidable opponent and won, proving your strength and resolve.

"finally.." you think, wiping the sweat off of your forehead. you head out the alleyway, blending back in with the crowd. as you walk among the people, you feel your phone ringing in your pocket. grumbling and tapping the green logo, you put the phone next to your ears and answer.


"( l/n )-sensei, you must fly back to tokyo."

isnt this the robot boy? wasnt he a traitor?

you stay quiet, waiting for the student to elaborate further. surely he has a good reason for suddenly calling you like this.

"geto suguru plans to seal satoru gojo in shibuya, so you must head back. please, trust me just this once!"

"why must i?"

"because it is your fiancé, who is the strongest sorcerer in the world we are about to lose."

you're about to give him a response, but something from the depths of your soul beats and a voice rings through your head. "history must not repeat itself. you have to go."


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