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you wake from the uneventful dream, finding yourself no longer on the couch but in the comfort of a bed with white sheets.

the beauty of the sunrise shines through the glass wall across the bed, showcasing the whole of morning tokyo. it's a sight refreshing to see first thing in the morning

"good morning, princess!~"

gojo bursts through the door, plates of waffles in hand as he struts towards you while happily humming.

you sigh, "good morning, gojo." you were not much of a morning person, often still feeling tired after a long time of sleeping.

sitting up, you watch as he places a mini table on the bed above your lap before placing your plate of breakfast on it. "rough morning?" he attempts at a conversation, however you just sleepily mumble and nod.

"when'd you move me to the bed?" your voice is raspy and your throat is dry. it's only now that you notice you're wearing nothing but a robe and your undergarments beneath it.

"AND WHEN DID YOU STRIP ME YOU DAMN PERVERT?" roughly smacking him on the arm he groans in pain and lightly captures your wrist to stop you from hitting him.

"relax, relax! i never meant to strip you! i took you to bed when i saw you passed out on the couch and removed your clothes when you seemed uncomfortable in them" gojo quickly explains, handing you a glass of water to flush down your throat.

you angrily take the cup, chugging it down.

"besides, i'm naked under my robe too, so isn't it fair, sweet thing? wanna see?" he grins teasingly, wriggling his eyebrows and pointing down to the space between his legs.

you choke on the water, harshly smacking wherever his dick would be.

he yells in pain, "I WAS ONLY TEASING"

"i was teasingly smacking that tiny thing too, don't be so dramatic."

he whines like a little boy, pawing at your arm and asking for help in soothing it.

you raise your arm and threaten to smack his dick again.


your first official mission as a shaman was to watch over three first years without letting them know of your presence.

it wouldn't be a problem concealing yourself, however, if they happened to have strong instincts, they'd immediately know you've been following them for the past hours.

good thing none of them seemed to have noticed you.

it's night now, and they were tasked to investigate around the area below some hunted bridge. you weren't close enough to be able to hear their current findings, but based on simple observations, their goal should be in the domain they've just now stepped into.

like a sea of seething rage and resentment, they're swallowed into the curse' domain, strange tilted flesh like pillars bursting through the ground.

another curse comes running in, though it's presence is odd.

stepping into the domain to observe further, you take the chance to sneak in whilst the two curses are distracted with the three youngsters.

they were impressive, skills most definitely not one a first year should be possessing, but that wasn't bad news.

then just as you're about to leave, you feel a pressure that begins to nit at your skin, like picking at a scab, the sensation feels addicting yet painful.

there are first grades here.

"kugisaki!" the black-haired male—who's name you'd come to learn is megumi, screams out, reaching towards nobara.

she's being pulled into a black doorway, though her expression tells you she can handle it.

the thing that's pulling her into that black thing is the pressure you'd felt just moments ago, however with her current skills, she'll be able to handle one, just not easily.

but there's another first grade presence around here, something similar to sukuna's finger.

a resonance.

'should i intervene? or should i stay hidden?'

the whole purpose of sending youngsters like them out to missions out of their level was to test their growth and see how much has improved. if you were to step in and handle everything yourself, it would deliberately defeat the purpose of their mission.

you'll only step in when they are by death's door.

"come to me, (y/n)-chan."

gojo's husky voice smoothes your brain out as tingles rush all over your body. you had forgotten about the ear piece you wore in your ears. "why?" you ask in a hushed tone, staying hidden behind one of the flesh pillars.

"just come."

you sigh, looking around for any opening or cracks in the domain. the only way out would be the black oozing portal that swallowed kugisaki.

you sprint and dive through before it closes up, almost bumping into itadori who was right in front of you.

"(l/n)-san!?" he exclaims, surprised that you were here. "since when have you been tagging along with us!"

you merely grin at him, "since the beginning. but i have to get going now kiddos, im sure you guys can handle these little babies!"

running off to the woods nearby, you switch your attention back to gojo, ignoring the exclamations of both kugisaki and itadori that were directed towards you.

"where are you?"

"right beside you baby."

you scream when he suddenly pops up beside you, one arm wrapping around your shoulders and the other landing behind your knees. he lifts you like a princess and grins when your arms wrap around his neck to avoid falling.

"put me down!"

"but i cant let my fiancée run around so much!"

you flail and flail, but to no avail. he does not budge.

"we're going on a little romantic dinner date honey. i hope you dont mind this sudden surprise." he hums, beginning to head towards the city.

ah so thats why he looked extra handsome tonight.

you had only noticed now, but he was clad in a neat white button up that matched his hair and his blindfold was replaced with a charming pair of tinted shades.

you spot a building with a rooftop that shined with warm orange fairy lights and in the middle was a dining table lit with beautiful scented candles. a jazz band plays music from the side, and already, there are waiters on standby with food ready to be served.

you both land smoothly on the ground as he lets you down softly, and walks you like a true gentleman to your seat. "quite chivalrous." you mutter, thanking his as he pulls your seat for you.

as you settle down and get comfortable, the waiters begin to serve food, food you'd only see in michelin starred restaurants. 

"i hope the food is to your liking." gojo speaks, eyes kept on yours.

"what is all this for?"

"i love you."

how insincere.

"no you dont."

"youre right."

you chuckle, taking a knife and cutting the steak in front of you. "tell me the truth now."

"what is your cursed technique?"

"anima vinculata"

"not even an explanation or anything?"

"you do your research man."

gojo sighed eating his own meal as he tries to read your expression. he cant tell if youre trying to hide your technique. he cant tell if your happy or sad. he cant tell if your anything at all.

a human being can sense another, so why cant he seem to feel your presence? it's like youre an empty shell—a ghost.

paris in the rain. || gojo satoru x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now