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"satoru put those down!!" you whisper scream, urging him to put those the two watermelons that he had inserted in his shirt to give himself huge badonkadonks.

he merely sticks his tongue out at you and turns around to wiggle his ass at you in a childlike manner.

irritated, you raise your hand and slap his ass so hard the sound waves echo around the grocery store.

even the blind guy outside felt the echolocations.

he had dropped the watermelons the moment you slapped his buttcheeks and began rolling on the floor while clutching his cheeks, crying in pain.



he heard his full government name and immediately knew he had to start listening because if he didnt, a slap harder than the one that met his ass would meet his face.

"yes ma'am." he stands up straight, saluting you while mewing.

you roll your eyes and walk away with the half full cart. heading towards the alcoholic drinks aisle. your fiancé follows suit behind you, whining and pouting.

"did you know i actually cant get drunk? my body metabolizes the alcohol too fast." he states a fun fact, leaving you to remember a particular memory you had with him.

"wait so that one time..."

"yup! i was only acting :P"

"are you trying to die you bastard?"

the strongest sorcerer alive bolts away.

what am i going to do with him?

you sigh, taking several cans of beer, knowing you'd definitely need it one of these days. i mean, it wont hurt to get wasted every once in a while, right?

it doesnt take long until the silver haired sorcerer is peeking at you from the corner of an aise, too scared to go near.

he starts making puppy eyes and pouting at you, urging that you go to him instead.

you sigh, taking your time as you walk towards him.

once youre less than a step in front of him, he smiles and takes the shopping basket from you, "pretty ladies dont need to carry such heavy weight." he claims before asking you what would be next in the list.

you can't help but smile at his antics, despite everything. "we still need to get some rice and miso."

he nods, leading the way down the aisle with a newfound determination. as you follow him, you realize that despite his childish behavior, there's no one else you'd rather have by your side.

in the end, it's these moments of chaos and laughter that make your life with satoru so uniquely yours.

you continue down the aisle, satoru pushing the cart with a newfound sense of duty. the grocery store's bright lights and bustling energy contrast with the serene morning you had envisioned, but with satoru, tranquility was a rare occurrence.

"here they are," you say, stopping by the shelves. you grab a large bag of rice, and satoru quickly snatches it from you, placing it in the basket with ease.

"anything else?" he asks, looking around like a soldier on a mission.

you scan the list. "just vegetables and some snacks."

satoru's eyes light up. "snacks? now you're speaking my language."

You head toward the produce section, picking up some fresh vegetables while satoru busies himself selecting an array of snacks. you glance over and see him holding up a bag of chips and a packet of Pocky, looking at you with a hopeful expression.

"fine," you laugh. "but only because i know you'll finish them before we even get home."

he beams, tossing the snacks into the cart. "you know me so well."

with the cart now filled with everything you need, you head to the checkout. satoru, ever the gentleman, insists on unloading the cart and carrying the bags. the cashier, a young girl with wide eyes, seems starstruck as she scans your items. you can't blame her—satoru has that effect on people.

as you exit the store, satoru shifts the bags into one hand and reaches for the car keys with the other. you walk side by side to the car, the sun setting and casting a golden hue over everything.

"today was fun," he says, opening the door for you.

you smile, feeling a warmth in your chest. "it was. especially when i slapped your ass"

he laughs, "youre the only person in the world who has done that to me, you know?"

you roll your eyes and close the door so he can get driving already.

back home, you both unpack the groceries together. satoru insists on putting the snacks within easy reach, while you organize the rest of the items. the penthouse is soon filled with the comforting scents of dinner cooking, and you find yourself reflecting on the day.

"what's on your mind?" satoru asks, leaning against the counter and watching you.

"just wondering," you admit, stirring a pot on the stove. "what are we?"

he walks over, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "what do you want us to be?" he whispers, his breath warm against your ear.

you pause, turning down the fire of the stove as you think. "satoru i—"

"but just know that despite being in an arranged marriage, i still care about you. i dont know you well enough to say i love you, but im willing to stand by your side and learn who you are, even if it takes me my whole life."

you lean back into his embrace, savoring the moment. in the chaos and unpredictability of your lives, these moments of peace and connection are what make it all worthwhile.

"i think i want to learn to love you too."

i mean, its not like either one of you's gonna leave any time soon.



paris in the rain. || gojo satoru x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now