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Third Person's POV:

Five years is a long time. Five whole years are longer than you would expect, just when you would want the time to pass quickly, it won't.

It is a really long time yet for Taehyung, it passed in the blink of an eye. It passed as if it were a matter of months and not years we were talking about.

It had been five years since his life took a drastic change, five years since he had decided to move to London and leave his old life back, ignoring anything and everything as if they never existed in the first place.

These five years changed him a lot. Of course it would. He learned a dozen of things. Even his perspective of life took a drastic turn.

No longer the weak, fragile, vulnerable boy who was afraid of standing up for himself because of the guilt his heart carried, he, who was scared of his bully, his past and most importantly, himself. He was no longer that pitiful.

Although the guilt subsided with time and some counselling sessions, he still felt bad about what had happened years back when he had lost someone so special to him.

His Hyung.

Time had taught him that maybe it wasn't completely his fault. Maybe he was not the one to be blamed but the circumstances.

Despite all those sessions, all those talks to make himself feel better, his heart still carried that guilt. Although the feeling was not as strong as before, it was still there.

That is why the first thing he did was visiting the grave in Daegu. That horrific place that he dreaded with every bone in his body. The very place he would think of, in his darkest times. But running away wasn't an option now, was it?

That is why he found himself in the cemetery, in broad day light. No hint of living beings in the vast area whatsoever. He could hear his own heart beat thumping in his ribcage with how silent it was around him.

Yes, he had returned back to Korea.

As the saying goes it was his unwavering determination to never let go that was enough to light up all his hopes.

He decided to face it all. Nothing would come from hiding behind a mask. He couldn't hide away all his life, eventually he'll have to face them.

His existence isn't based on his mistakes nor is he the sum of his missing parts. Taehyung learned that a hard way.

"Mr Kim?" His assistant spoke in a small voice not wanting to disturb the photographer who was currently kneeling in front of the stone. It was not a common stone though.

To Taehyung, this stone represented his past. It was an embodiment of how delicate and fragile he was back then.

It was his Hyung's grave.

"I'll get going in a second. You go first." The male replied not even glancing back at his assistant.

"Alright Sir."

Taehyung pursued photography like he wanted to. It was his dream to capture the world from his point of view and share it with others and to say he was content with what he had would be an understatement. He still felt like all of this was surreal.

It was too good to be true. Back when he had left Korea, he really thought it was over. He was so sure he wouldn't be able to make it. Yet here he was, standing in all his glory, meeting the only one who believed in him despite everything.

"Tae, let them bark all they want. I know you are a good person. Don't let them get you. They are not worth it."

He Changed || KookV ✅Where stories live. Discover now