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Third Person's POV:

"Mr.Kim, it will take only a few minutes." His assistant convinced for the nth time and Taehyung kind of felt bad for him since he was only doing his job and Taehyung was making it harder than it already was, yet he couldn't help it, he, himself had a valid point.

"Have you seen this building? I am really tired now. Can't we do it some other time?" Was all he said before leaning back in the comfortable leather chair, his back pressed into the chair.

"I'm really sorry Sir, but the CEO wants to meet you in person." The exhaustion dripping his voice was what caught his attention, the other male must have been tired too, following him around all day.

Taehyung sighed for the nth time and stared at his assistant. They were both sitting in their new office at a new company.

Taehyung had applied for an entertainment company before moving here and after he got scouted, he finally could move here, since he needed money to make a living here.

The entertainment company they had applied to was well-known across the country. Since he was a hardworking and quite a popular photographer, the company wasted no time in taking him in.

Right now, his assistant was convincing him for a tour of the company as requested by the CEO but Taehyung was in no mood. He took a ten hour flight to Korea and then travelled to Daegu without a break. He's at fault here for not taking a short nap in between but the lack of sleep was really messing with his mind, he couldn't think straight.

Now you might argue how he shouldn't have come here the very first day but he wasn't here for actual work today, he had the guts to request for a tour from company and seeing nothing wrong with it, the company had agreed.

His plan was to observe the working atmosphere and to check whether it was to his liking or not, a good atmosphere was extremely important to him hence explains the efforts of doing so.

"Alright! Let's go." He forced his almost limp body out of the ever so comfy chair and marched to the door to have a tour of the company he might be working in, since he could still reject this one and look for another, although that might be a lot of work all over again.


"May I come in Sir?" Taehyung spoke up in his 'business' tone, voice lacking its natural warmth and comfort, not that Taehyung was the sweetest person alive but his natural tone was a bit more inviting than this one.

Soon after he got the permission to enter the office, a low gasp making its way out of his mouth at the fancy interior. The CEO of the company sat at a polished desk, glasses resting loosely on the bridge of his nose as the man looked intently through the pages.

"Sit down, Please." The old man looked up from the pile of documents and gestured Taehyung to sit in front of him and Taehyung gladly obliged, with a strained smile but the older was too distracted to take notice of that.

It must have been a total of ten minutes during which both the males exchanged pleasantries and some polite smiles were passed here and there.

Taehyung was currently waiting for a certain someone who was supposed to help him give the tour as explained by the CEO before him.

A couple of minutes of just awkwardly sitting there and feeling out of place, a knock was heard followed by a deep, husky voice speaking up.

"May I come in, sir?"

"Yes, please."

Taehyung's eyes flickered to the door that was being opened. His focus solemnly on the shiny knob that was being fiddled with.

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