34 (epilogue)

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Warning: Mature content ahead🔞🔞

Third Person POV:

~2 years later~

Taehyung exited the office, a deep sigh escaping his exhausted body. He tilted his head to the right and left, somewhat relieving the sore muscles on neck, perks of sitting and editing his photos for hours because he was a perfectionist.

The people greeted him as he proceeded to go out of the elevator, it was almost evening meaning most of the employees had already left so he didn't have to waste more time making small talks with his coworkers, for which he was extremely grateful.

Once he greeted the guards and came out of the building, he took a deep breath, inhaling the not so fresh air of the city but it still was better than the suffocation inside the building.

It was nearly autumn, the hot weather disappearing day by day making the evenings and nights chilly. He wrapped the jacket around him tighter, forcing his hands inside the pockets of his jeans as a cold breeze passed through him.

Although he was not fond on long walks, he had to walk every now and then as instructed about Jungkook, to keep his body healthy and fit since he never moved in his office.

Speaking of Jungkook, the raven head was waiting for him in the cafe down the street, approximately two kilometres away from his workplace.

A smile instantly took it's place on his face as he though about Jungkook. The male had kept his promise of keeping him happy. He was the happiest.

In a matter of two years, their lives had changed a lot. Jungkook had gotten an office job, it didn't offer much but offered him pretty well for the meantime.

He didn't want to go to back to plating cricket, he couldn't because of his injury back in the day. Taehyung had asked him to join the coaching team, knowing the raven head would be accepted to coach the national team in a matter of seconds yet Jungkook had refused without thinking twice.

The raven head was not poor. He had loads of money, earned solely from his cricket career so he didn't have to worry about making both ends meet. He was just worried about his own liking for the job chooses, as if he had any. At last he had settled on a simple office job, wanting to open his own business someday. For now, however, he was content with what what his life offered him.

Taehyung fully supported him and respected his decision. He knew Jungkook more than anyone and he knew the raven head working in an environment t where each and everything would remind him of his lost dream, he would feel shit. Thus it was better to stay away from his dreams, to heal the wounds and maybe someday, one day , he would be able to coach or do something close to his passions.

Taehyung passed by the shops, a polite wave directed at anyone he knew, which was mostly everyone.

He had decided to meet up with Bogum and Jackson tonight, so he had to hurry up to the cafe, meeting his boyfriend on the way before he hangs out with his friends. It had been ages since only the three of them hung out. The last time they went out was probably a month ago.

Taehyung smiled at the bittersweet memory of how they had reconciled. He had accompanied Jungkook that highschool reunion two years ago.

The first half of the part was awkward and uncomfortable as hell, Taehyung could feel Jackson and Bogum's eyes on him the while time yet he didn't give him a single glance back, sticking by Jungkook's side at all costs.

The second half was chaotic as hell, almost everyone was drunk or tipsy, the alcohol in their systems messing with their brains.

It wasn't until Taehyung heard a sobbing Jackson apologizing to him that he knew how much he had missed his friends, tears welding in his eyes yet he still didn't spare him a look. Looking ahead as Jackson sat in his knees in front of him, apologizing over and over again, Bogum standing next to him, as he saw the scene unfold.

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