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Third Person POV:

Third Person POV:

"So Mr. Planner! What have you decided?", The small friend circle once again gathered in the living room after an hour or so, after taking the luggage to their respective rooms and freshening up a bit after long drive.

"I have actually already decided. The first day, we can all explore the beach together and at night we'll have a campfire. I'll think about the other days tonight!", Namjoon finished speaking with a self satisfied nod. The others nodded, satisfied with the schedule.

"Sounds like a plan!", Seokjin backed Namjoon and they all settled for a comfortable silence.

"So are we going or not?", Jimin muttered impatiently when neither of them moved and just sat around uncomfortable glances passing to one another.

"Okay guys! Let's not spend the holiday so tensed.Let's forget all the awkwardness and enjoy ourselves. We can solve all the disputes later. Just not now." Seokjin sighed and requested since the awkwardness didn't seem to leave them alone.

The others hesitantly nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly but not knowing how to. They obviously thought something like this would happen but the trip was already decided and they didn't want to cancel everything.

At least one day they would have to face Taehyung and solve the dispute between them then why not now. It was such a good opportunity.

"Okay! Now let's go to the beach! I wanna get tanned!" Jimin happily stated as he stood up, the rest following him out of the guest house.

The day went fucking well. For the small group.

They went wild on the beach. Sitting or lying in the sun for hours was something Taehyung had wished to do since forever. Just basking in the sun was also another level of satisfaction.

Every now and then his eyes would accidentally dart to Jungkook who had that signature bunny smile on his face.

Taehyung swears his heart skipped a beat when their eyes met but the latter kept on smiling widely. The smile never went away in fact it became even wider as he gestured Taehyung to come and join them, causing Taehyung to shyly smile in return, complying instantly.

The second half of the day was spent playing various games. Taehyung knew he couldn't trust Jimin and Hoseok when they started suggesting  since they would want to play ridiculous games but no matter how crazy the game was, just seeing his friends enjoy and laugh, just feeling himself letting it all out was enough to make Taehyung feel alive. After a long time he felt so alive, so free.

Taehyung loved evey bit of the day, and it hadn't even been a full day yet. Gosh! He just don't want to lose this feeling.

The sun had finally set, Taehyung lied on the mat they had fetched, Jungkook next to him, lying on the mat with his right arm draped over his eyes, Taehyung could see the soft smile on his fave from his peripheral vision.

Yoongi and Hoseok had gone to house to bring out beer while Seokjin prepared the meat for grilling, Jimin by his side, teasing him every now and then. Seokjin furiously counter attacked back, the interaction hilarious to the two males lying on the mat, a safe distance between them.

"Where did Namjoon go?", Jungkook asked no one after he looked around for a bit. Taehyung heard with and informed how he had gone to bring gloves for Seokjin who was going to grill the meat bare-handed.

"It's surprising to see Seokjin Hyung being careless and Namjoon Hyung trying to tame him! No?", Taehyung was surprised to say the least. He had not even expected to gat back a nod but here Jungkook was trying to initiate a conversation with him.

"Hmm." He honestly didn't know how to keep the convo flowing so after a quick monologue with his inner self, Taehyung decided to settle with a soft hmm.

"Gather around guys! Time for dinner!", Taehyung and Jungkook sat up straight at Seokjin's booming voice. They could also spot Yoongi and Hoseok with the bear bottles and Namjoon following them with gloves for his boyfriend.

"Let me cook the ramyun!" Jungkook offered as the group settled around the dining table, in the far end of the guest house. The small space reserved for outdoor dinner was covered with a fibre of some sort so they didn't have to worry about eating in dark, as it had a light attached to its ceiling.

Taehyung helped Jungkook every now and then since he was still in recovery, moreover they were the only ones who hadn't done anything productive the second they stepped here so they decided to help with the dinner.

Seokjin sat at the far end of the table, a pair of tweezer-looking-thing in his hands to grill the pork, Namjoon standing next to him like the best boyfriend he is.

Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin were setting the side dishes and beverages on the table while Jungkook and Taehyung cooked the noodles with utter concentration at the other end.

The dinner went smooth. Except for Namjoon spilling his beer and Seokjin scolding him for the nth time. Yoongi and Jimin involved in a not-so-serious argument with Hoseok laughing his ass in the back and Taehyung looked fondly at them bicker as Jungkook stared at him, a foreign expression on his face. Yeah. Everything surely went well.

"Yoongi! Go bring the marshmallows!" Seokjin demanded as they all huddled around the small camp fire they could make after heated debates.

"Why me? Jimin should go!" The man in question refused to move an inch, already closing his eyes to feel the fresh air.

"I'll go!" Taehyung once again offered to run errands being the goody two shoes he is and even stood up before anyone could stop him.

Within seconds he was already running across the lawn leading to their guest house. The rest had gone to their usual bickering.

"Wait-I didn't even tell him where the marshmallows were!" Everyone face palmed.

"Not my fault. He was in such a rush!" Seokjin defended, a sigh following close after.

"I'll go. Tell me where they are." Jungkook stood up with a roll of eyes, acting nonchalant. Jimin and Seokjin shared a mischievous glance, both the males giggling not so discreetly making Jungkook roll his eyes for the second time in a row.

"It's in the kitchen cabinet. The one in the corner, opposite to the fridge." Once they were done with their laughter party, they finally told Jungkook who was quick to note the information and run towards the house.

Taehyung struggled as he stood on his tippy toes, trying to reach the furthest cabinet to check. He had rummaged through basically everything he could see before finally lasting in the very corner of the large kitchen.

"What are you doing?" A whisper was enough to make him shout on top of his lungs, it was already dark outside and being alone in the house was not something Taehyung was very fond of.

The sudden intrusion made his nerves hectic and unfortunately he slipped back, his mind couldn't even register the fact that he was falling but before the fall, a hand wrapped around his torso.

The sudden warmth round his waist was so home. And as inviting as it was to stay in the strong embrace of the other, he backed off.

"Why would you scare me like this? Can't you act more human?" The black haired male shout-scolded the other who had his arms crossed in front of his chest, amusement dripping his smile as he stared at Taehyung who had a hand on his heart.

"Pussy!" Jungkook mocked the other.

"Am not!" Taehyung hissed.

How funny, only weeks ago Jungkook wasn't ready to stand in his presence but now he was here, joking and teasing Taehyung as if nothing had ever happened to them in the first place.  

"Whatever." Jungkook smugly shrugged and shoved Taehyung out of the way gently to grab the marshmallows. It was quite an easy task for him since he had long arms.

"Let's go! The others are waiting." The raven head stated and gestured to the door. Soon enough both of them were walking together to the outside again where the rest were most probably waiting for them to return.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!

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