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Third Person's POV:


There he was, sitting next to Yoongi, who had a deadly glare plastered on his face, mirroring Jungkook's one. Both of the glares directed at Taehyung who couldn't believe Jimin had lied to him.

He looked at Jimin questioningly who raised his hands in surrender, an apologetic smile on his face, subtly pointing at Seokjin who was standing at the far end of the room.

"I thought of giving him a welcome party." Jimin announced gesturing at Taehyung that earned him a few scoffs and dead silence.

Jungkook laughed sarcastically before standing up and grabbing his jacket hastily that was placed next to him on the table.

No words exchanged between any of them as they watched Jungkook struggle putting on his jacket and once he successfully did so, he didn't waste a second in getting out.

Taehyung could only watch him go away, stepping out of the way a little as to not bump into him by accident since he was practically standing between him and the door.

"Jungkook, if you take a step out of this room I'm going to burn down your apartment." Seokjin spoke calmly. He already knew about Taehyung's arrival that is why he had ushered Jimin to invite him to have a small reunion thingy. The main purpose was to clear all the misunderstandings but now that Jungkook was leaving, he couldn't help but warn him.

Jungkook scoffed at Jin's empty threat but didn't stop. In a second he was out of the room without even looking back.

Seokjin stared at his back in disbelief, he knew Jungkook had minute anger issues but this was just too much. He ordered Jimin to go after him who flatly refused.

"Go and bring him back!"

"I love my life, thank you very much." Jimin shrugged, already making his way to the middle of the room, sitting next to a bewildered Namjoon who hadn't uttered a single word since forever.

"I'll go," Yoongi, who had been silently glaring at Taehyung this whole time, offered. He knew Jungkook the most out of all of them, after Taehyung of course. That was in the past though. The black haired males doubts he even know this Jungkook.

Where did his dumb, crazy sweet friend go? He had no idea.


It was awkward.

No! Scratch that. It was more than just awkward. All of them were sitting silently, no one daring to speak a word about how awkward and uncomfortable the whole situation was for every one.

"Wow! This is so awkward." Jimin broke the silence. He couldn't just stay still, listening to the neighbours yelling at each other.

Yoongi had somehow convinced Jungkook into staying (no one knows how so) and Seokjin had invited Hoseok to their little re-union party, who fortunately had been nearby and didn't waste a single second before joining.

Hence there they were, all sitting round the table. No one knew what to say or do. Jungkook just wanted to escape but the subtle glare he received when he tried to do so, made him think otherwise.

"So is no one going to say something?" Jimin carefully said looking at each of them. Jungkook shot a glare at the shorter male making Jimin frustrated than he already was. He settled for a middle finger before looking at Seokjin who was silently observing Taehyung.

"I'm...really sorry." Taehyung whispered after contemplating for a while as he fidgeted in his seat, the stares on him making him feel small and uncomfortable than he already was.

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