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Third Person POV:

It has been a good ten minutes since Taehyung arrived and sat in the bleachers in between Jimin and Jungkook.

To say it was awkward, would be an understatement. Jungkook was nervous as hell. He didn't want to start a fight with a certain photographer in front of everyone, especially since he was a public figure, so he had to eat up all his feelings.

Jimin just sat and glanced at the two of them every now and then. He was really hoping the two of them could make up tonight. He was looking forward to it.

Taehyung was an another level of mess. He couldn't control his beating heart. Everything that he had practiced earlier seemed so foreign to him. All he could remember was that he had to apologize to the male sitting next to him. Who, by the way, was not even ready to look at him in the eye.

Taehyung smiled slightly as he saw Saejung on the rink. The younger male wore a white silk shirt and matched it with black straight pants. Taehyung guessed it had something to do with the theme.

The said figure skater started coming near the bleachers oh-so-elegantly.

Since the trio was sitting on the front row, it was easier to talk with the skater.

"You guys came?" Saejung smiled shyly, a light blush decorating his cheeks. It was the first time Taehyung saw him blush, although he only met him a couple of times.

One thing was obvious among all the chaos, Jungkook wasn't very happy.

His awkward behaviour was more than just showing and the said male was oblivious to the pair of eyes glaring at him.

"Of course we did." Jimin smiled proudly as he nudged Taehyung who nodded enthusiastically in response.

"Oh? The rude man!" The professional skater pointed out as his eyes laid on Jungkook.

Jungkook scoffed subtly in response and just gave him a smile. A smile that wasn't even a smile, just a little stretch of his mouth to convey the fact that he was trying.

"My performance is in a while, Hyung!" Saejung talked to Taehyung, emphasizing the word 'Hyung' and Taehyung nodded with closed eyes to acknowledge the sudden use of honorifics.

"Do your best!" Taehyung finally encouraged him with a wide smile and a closed fist in the air. Saejung chuckled while ruffling Taehyung's hair while muttering something like 'How can someone be so effortlessly cute?' which went unnoticed by the group of three.

Taehyung blushed as he fixed his messy locks while Jungkook ran his tongue on the insides of his cheek, still looking in the opposite direction, perfectly aware of what just happened.

The people who were in a frenzy just minutes before the performance started, were now sitting on their seats, staring eagerly at the skater.

Saejung was the best figure skater among all of his same age competitors. Although Taehyung had never seen someone figure skate before, he was enchanted by the way he moved.

He was basically one with the ice. Taehyung could see the hard work he had put forward just by the limited time performance. The way he perfectly executed the double and triple axels left Taehyung in awe.

A silence settled over the crowd the moment Saejung bowed down to end he performance before the crowd erupted in cheers and hoots.

Taehyung clapped and cheered for the young lad with all his might and the said lad sent a wink his way when he spotted the familiar black-head.

Taehyung waved like crazy and gave him thumbs up to the athlete who was returning to sit with the other skaters.

"What are you so happy about?" Jungkook suddenly asked in all seriousness, still avoiding eye contact and Taehyung was convinced he heard wrong. Because...did he just talk to me?

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