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Third Person POV:

Present Time:

"Taehyung? Can you give me your phone number? Like we can keep in touch if you want? You don't have to but it would be really cool--"

"Jimin chill out. I'll give you." Taehyung spoke with a slight chuckle as he handed his phone to the other male.

They were currently standing in front of Taehyung's new apartment. Apparently, Gangnam was a dangerous place to roam around at night that is why Jimin had offered to walk him home despite him telling Jimin that he was completely fine on his own.

"Thanks Taehyung. Everything that happened earlier was...Alright it was my fault but I swear Seokjin pressured me to invite both of you without your knowledge." The slightly shorter male spoke up after he had saved Taehyung's number on his phone.

"It's alright Jimin. It was bound to happen anyways. I knew it the moment I stepped in Seoul." Taehyung responded, a slight smile on his face as he enjoyed the gentle breeze caressing his overgrown locks.
Despite everything, it was a beautiful night.

"You know you can talk to me anytime. Explain yourself and all that. I'm sure we'd work something out to make it all better."

"Thank you so much Jimin...I'd love to do that sometimes."

He couldn't say it went well, quite the opposite actually. Jungkook was most probably mad at him but aside all the bad things happened, he had a good dinner with all of them except Jungkook of course.


"I would look forward to your cooperation." Taehyung politely bowed to the rising star as they were about to start the photoshoot.

It has barely been a month since he had joined the company but that didn't stop Taehyung from getting numerous projects.

Just like this young star, who was looking at Taehyung with a weird intensity in his beautiful orbs.

He was bad at flirting. Taehyung had to admit that yet he continued his little show and Taehyung just had to ignore him to focus on his job.

"Can you please look at the camera for a while?" Taehyung sighed subtly as he addressed the young man.

"I can't help it. Someone's just too distracting."

Taehyung glared at his assistant who was busy muffling his snickers at the other's attempt of flirting with him.

"And that's it." Taehyung announced in a loud voice as he smiled cheerfully, bowing down to his stylists and team, appreciating their hard work.

The shoot was finally done. Praising his team, he proceeded to thank the star who goes by the name of Park Saejung.

"Can I have your number Taehyung-ssi?" Saejung dared, nervousness evident on his face.

"May I ask why?"

"To keep in touch with you, of course." The other male responded confidently, all traces of nervousness gone as he explained in a 'duh' voice.

"Alright." Taehyung halfheartedly agreed. He just wanted to go home now and arguing with this male won't make anything better. He decided to just give up. Moreover there isn't anything wrong with making new friends right?

How wrong he was.

Taehyung groaned as he glanced at the clock resting on his nightstand and then glared at the phone which was currently lighting up his dark room due to its brightness.

It was fucking 3:00 in the morning. Why the hell would Saejung call him at this time?

He ignored it for a few moments but when it continued to ring, he realized it was better to just accept his cruel fate.

He Changed || KookV ✅Where stories live. Discover now