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Third Person's POV:


Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on the same bench. The sun had set. Sky had become different shades of red and orange.

Taehyung was still tightly wrapped in Jungkook's protective embrace and he didn't have the heart to let go. He wanted to be like this forever. Away from the world , away from people, away from feelings and away from his very own thoughts.

He wanted to escape but he would never be able to do that. He couldn't.

"Tae..." He heard Jungkook's sooting voice calling him. Bringing him back to reality.

"Hmm..." Taehyung replied with a muffled voice as his face was buried in Jungkook's chest. He made no move to even shift.

Jungkook sighed, slightly leaning back as to look at him. He held his face in his palms, wiped the area under his eyes that was decorated with his dried tears. The proof of his vulnerability, weakness and incompetence.

Jungkook proceeded to hold his hands and made him stand. The raven head stared at Taehyung for a while after finally declaring that he would stay at his place today.

He couldn't leave Taehyung alone. Not in this state. That is the reason he decided to stay close to him, both physically and mentally.

The duo spent a few minuted in the park before finally starting walking to go home. Taehyung's home.

Jungkook had already called an uber since the other male's house was quite far from where they currently were.

The raven head stayed silent the whole ride, watching Taehyung from his peripheral vision who leaned his fave on the car's window, the usual bumps making him uncomfortable since his head slammed onto the window. Not too hard though.

After about half an hour, they finally reached home, Jungkook played the driver and thanked the man for his services while Taehyung had already gone inside his house.

Jungkook joined him inside his house too, when searched around for his friend, he was met with nothing but silence. The raven head knew right away that Taehyung must have gone to take a shower.

Thus he waited for him in the living room, sitting in front of the television. He wasn't even paying attention to whatever show was airing, he had a lot more on his mind.

He had to ask Taehyung to join him and the others and go to Seoul with them. In the end, it was his choice BT Jungkook just hoped he would come with them, to start everything anew. 

After half an hour Tae came out of the washroom, looking clean and tidy yet the tiredness and dullness in his eyes was not something that could easily be missed or straight up ignored.

"Tae..." Jungkook reached out for Taehyung hesitantly, not sure if it was the right time to talk about his own worries.

"Huh?" The boy in question just lifted his eyebrows a little, Jungkook stared into those orbs for quite a while and saw how they were so blank, so emotionless. As if he was sick of life.

Jungkook was not dumb. He knew Taehyung was going through something, he knew the other was hiding things from him, some really bad things.

He had known Taehyung enough to figure all that out.

"Would you...would you like to go to Seoul with me?"

There. He asked him. The deed was done. He couldn't take back what he said now, the raven head was never the one to believe in superstitions yet at that moment, he desperately wanted the heavens to help him out, just this once.

He Changed || KookV ✅Where stories live. Discover now