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Third Person POV:

5 Years Ago:

Bogum had never seen Jackson so furious, nor had he seen Taehyung so broken and that's why he decided to leave both of them on their own, till they figure it out themselves. 

The three of them had been so happy and so close once but look at them now, they were falling apart so cruelly. 

Time changes everything. Bad times especially.

After roughly two hours during which Bogum roamed around the neighbourhood, he decided to give Taehyung a call. He knew Jackson would've gone home but he couldn't say the same for Taehyung, he actually has no idea where Taehyung went. 

Since the sun had already set and the night sky had started appearing, he was getting anxious. They had to go to the cottage too. Daegu could be quite dangerous at night and he couldn't afford losing Taehyung or something bad happening to him during their stay at his grandma's house. 

Bogum was the one who had invited Taehyung to his grandma's house. It was Jackson's brother's death anniversary so Taehyung had agreed, wanting to visit the grave. 

Now if something happens to Taehyung, Bogum wouldn't be able to forgive himself. 

His anxiety started kicking in when Taehyung didn't attend the call even on the fifth try. The call went right to voice mail, the setting sun made his heart beat faster, cold sweat forming on his forehead as he thought of the worst possible scenarios. 

He decided to give Jackson a call at last, at times like these, he could only rely on him. 

"Hey! Jack?"


"Are you with granny?"

"Yeah! Why?"

"Is Taehyung there?"

"No!" With that being said he hung up. Bogum stared at the wallpaper on his slightly scratched screen, Jackson was still mad and Taehyung was no where to be found. The day couldn't go any worse. 

Bogum tried to think of the places Taehyung could have gone to.

Park? No. Too crowded.

River side? Maybe.

The cave on top of the hill? Yeah!

Taehyung always went there when he had to think about something. It was a secret between the four of them.Bogum mentally praised himself for thinking of the place among all the chaos in his mind.

He started running toward the mountain, it would take him almost thirty minutes to get there so he had to hurry, if Taehyung really was there, Bogum would be relieved. There was few to none people in that area of the mountain but on another thought, it might be dangerous too. Who knows what Taehyung will do if he's left alone. 

Bogum wanted to cry at this point

After about a not so short trip to the top of the hill, he started calling for Taehyung. The sun had long set now, making it harder for him to see in the distance, he fumbled with his pants' pocket and turned the flash on once he found the phone he was looking for. 

Among all the branched and twigs lying on the floor, the noises of the insects and birds, he was looking for Taehyung.


"Are you here?"

He almost tripped on the rocks lying here and there, swearing under his breath, he continued his search. Bogum let out a heavy sigh once he found the cave, entering the small cave he shouted Taehyung name wishing for a response.

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