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Third Person POV:

"What did the doctor talk to you about?" Yoongi asked Jimin quietly the moment he entered the VIP ward with slouched shoulders and puckered lips, thinking deeply about everything that he got to know earlier.

"O- Oh nothing! Just something about reports and medications...yeah." The male in question answered nervously. Although the news might spread later on, he didn't want to disclose it just there hence he lied to Yoongi who was oblivious to the turmoil inside his head.

He looked around and saw the rest of the group. All of them zoned out. Jungkook still hadn't woken up, laying in the bad with eyes shut close, breathing softly.

He looked peaceful. If one ignored the bandages his head and legs were wrapped up in, the scene would almost pass as satisfying to watch.

According to his nurse, the sedatives he was given before the doctors proceeded with the surgery were strong and it would take a while for him to wake up.

Namjoon sat in the far left corner with Seokjin resting on his broad shoulders, a comfortable silence settled between them. Both of them staring at nothingness.

Saejung and Taehyung were chatting mindlessly among themselves with Hoseok trying to eavesdrop on the duo with a permanent frown in his face, made Jimin smile a genuine smile.

And so passes hour after hour. Minute after minute yet there was no sign of Jungkook moving. They took turns being with Jungkook, none wanted him to be alone.

Fortunately, the food served in the hospital canteen was delicious so they didn't have to order or go somewhere else to feed their growling stomachs.

It had been nearly four hours and Jungkook still hadn't woken up from his sleep, mist of them were dozing off by now, their bodies too tired to keep up.

"He woke up!"

Seokjin shouted and grabbed the attention of the nearly-asleep-boys. Flinching and wincing at his extra loud voice, they soon grasped the situation in hand and walked slowly towards the bed.

Everyone except Taehyung and Saejung who stood in their places, but the others were too distracted to even take notice of their actions.

Taehyung was trying not to alarm the athlete by his presence so he decided to stay back, on the other hand Saejung had quite a rough relation with the other so he too, decided to stand in the far corner watching everyone with hawk eyes.

Slowly and gradually, Jungkook fluttered his doe eyes open. Occasionally shutting them back to get used to the bright light.

The others just watched him, no one saying a single word. Just staring at him.

"W-Where am I?" The man lying on the white hospital sheets spoke up in a groggy voice and everyone released a breath of relief after hearing his voice.

He really is okay. That was what went through everyone's mind right now and they couldn't help but thank the heavens for not letting something bad happen to him.

"Do you remember anything about your accident Jungkook?" Seokjin continued speaking in a soft voice, testing the waters. Jungkook had hit his head in the accident, and so were the chances of him losing his memory —temporarily or even permanently— high.

"Shouldn't we call a doctor?" Hoseok suggested and everyone looked at him for a good minute before Taehyung agreed to go and fetch the doctor. He wanted to be useful in some kind of way.

"Y-yeah I remember-" Jungkook tried to shift in his bed but halted when he heard a familiar voice. Taehyung's.

"What is Taehyung doing here?" There was no venom to his voice unlike the other times. It was just his curiosity speaking. A genuine exclamation.

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