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Third Person POV:

"Oh? Jungkook you're here? Where's Taehyung?" Jimin questioned the second he spotted the raven head dragging his feet down the stairs to the living room where the rest of the group was settled. 

"He's taking a dump." The other replied nonchalantly but winced once Taehyung bumped into him on purpose from behind.

"Why are you lying?" He passed by the other with a dramatic huff and plopped down next to Yoongi on the couch who greeted him with a small smile, making Taehyung feel welcome.

"The breakfast's ready." Seokjin came in holding a couple of vessels in hand, Namjoon close on his trail with some dishes in his hand.

Taehyung and Hoseok stood up from their respective places, offering the oldest a helping hand who thanked them in return.

Once everyone was settled round the low table, sitting on cushion sprawled on the floor in their living room, they began to eat.

Occasional hums and moans of satisfaction filled the silent room as they feasted on some bacon and simple pan cakes.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Jimin asked with a mouthful of pancakes earning a disapproving him from Hoseok who was sitting next to him.

"There's this really popular place about twenty miles away from here. It's an abandoned temple but I heard praying there is quite effective. We can go there?" Namjoon suggested resulting in Yoongi releasing a snicker.

"Since when do you believe in superstitions?" Namjoon rolled his eyes before explaining how it was some sort of historic place and since they were already here why not check the place out?

They eventually agreed to go since their was basically nothing to do at home, that could also have dinner outside on their way back, all in all it seemed like a good idea.

"So you can start getting ready after breakfast and we will go in the afternoon?" The rest nodded in approval before diving back to their meal.


"Jungkook?" Taehyung called out to the other who was scrolling through his phone instead of getting ready or packing some necessary stuff.

It had been nearly half an hour since they came upstairs to pack some of their stuff for the afternoon trip. Taehyung was standing in front of the mirror checking himself out —not in a weird way— to decide what to wear.

But instead of packing his own stuff, the raven head had been on his phone, arguing that they still had a lot of time. Taehyung couldn't say anything to that because they indeed had time left.

He turned around to when the latter didn't reply. The black haired witnessed how Jungkook's eyebrows were furrowed, lips pursued in concentration at the piece of article he was reading.

Taehyung strides towards the bed and slowly laid down next to him, the latter felt the bed dip next to him but he was far too concentrated on the news that was currently being displayed on the screen of his phone.

Tilting his head a little, Taehyung tried to take a sneak peak of what the other was reading with so much concentration that he couldn't even hear Taehyung call out to him.

Taehyung's natural smile dropped once he saw the headlines. It was a news article. Stating how National Player was hurt and couldn't continue playing anymore. The article read how his fans were worried for him and his career.

It also further highlighted how the player had never gave out an official statement and fled to somewhere, Taehyung's feature morphed into a look of disappointment at how the piece of article was written.

He honestly couldn't understand media and reporters at all. Why did they have to pry in someone's personal matters. He get that Jungkook is a public figure and many eyes are watching his each and every move but this was a bit too much.

The article itself was worded a bit disturbingly, making Jungkook seem pathetic and a failure.

"You know you don't have to think about it too much, don't you?" Taehyung asked the other snatching his phone away and giving the article a dirty look before going back to the homepage, he smiled at the lock screen.

It displayed a messy Jungkook, cake spread all over his face, Taehyung could also spot the rest of his friends in the back, laughing at Jungkook's I'm so done face.

Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes before muttering a quick I know.

"They just want someone to target." Taehyung further consoled, running a hand through the rave head's messy locks who groaned in response, loving the feeling of the other's slender finger against his scalp.

"It will die down once they find a new target." He finally stated stopping his movements and staring at the other's closed eyes.

"I hope it gets settled soon. I don't want their fake sympathy. These reporters don't even care about me." Jungkook sighed and stood up straight, his figure now copying Taehyung's stance.

"By the way, when did you take this picture?" Taehyung showed him the lock screen that he recently discovered, subtly tried to change the topic, trying to make Jungkook forget about all the problems.

"Ah this. It was on my twentieth birthday. I was accepted into the national team. This day was pure chaos." Jungkook smiled while gently shaking his head as Taehyung stared at him fondly reminiscing the past days.

It was a shame Taehyung wasn't there.

He had missed so much. He wasn't there to co gratulate Jungkook when he got accepted. He wasn't there to party with him crazily in college. He was never there.

Taehyung felt guilty the more he thought about it but he had come to terms with the fact that he was not at fault here. He didn't get to choose his fate but he will make sure to change it. The way he wants.

"Now don't smile like a fool and help me pick an outfit." Taehyung demanded, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Yes Your Majesty." The latter dramatically bowed, making his voice a bit dark and heavy, imitating the guards from period dramas making Taehyung burst in a fit of giggles, Jungkook joined him too.

"Carry me to the Royal wardrobe ,You Peasant." He too, deliberately changed his tone and flicked his nonexistent Royal robe with a serious face.

All traces of seriousness was wiped off his face when Jungkook didn't waste a single second before picking him up from the bed, causing Taehyung to shriek while wrapping his arms round the other's neck to steady himself.

"You mean that pinkish pink suitcase lying on the corner, Your Majesty?", Jungkook rasped in his ear still carrying him, making a shiver run down the other's spine as goosebumps appeared on his limbs.

"Shut Up. That's a cute shade of pink." Taehyung unconsciously pouted slightly, arms still tightly wrapped around the others neck, Jungkook's eyes fell on his lips pursued in a small pout.

He didn't know why he had the sudden urge to lean in and wipe the pout off his face but before he could take such an impulsive step, he cleared his throat and let Taehyung down to stand on his own legs before he could do something the other most likely won't appreciate.

"So? What are you gonna wear?" Jungkook changed the topic and the other just narrowed his eyes at his suspicious behaviour, nevertheless he took out the outfits he liked and showed them one by one to Jungkook.

"What about this one?" Taehyung asked as he held the shirt against his chest for Jungkook to see who nodded approving of the cute attire.

It was Taehyung's fourth choice of clothed cause the first one was rejected because it was 'too sexy' for a friends trip, according to Jungkook. Same was the case with the second and third, they were a bit too revealing for Jungkook's liking and Taehyung whole heartedly agreed cause it was indeed revealing.

The fourth one was a good choice, a simple check shirt and black straight pants would look absolutely gorgeous on the black haired male.

Taehyung could pull literally everything.

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