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There's like no aizawa & bakugou pics without them paired by the way

Katsuki nodded at her and leaned his head on his knees, using his arms as pillows, to sleep if even for a few minutes.

"-gou!" A hand shook his shoulder and he flinched back, eyes flying open as he hit his head on the wall behind him. He didn't remember falling asleep. Were they mad now? He didn't remember where he was. The floor was tiled. Maybe the bathroom?

"S-Sorry" He mumbled out. Whatever he did must've been bad since he didn't get a response, he kept his eyes on the floor, he wasn't about to break another rule and worsen whatever he was going to get. "I won't- I won't do it again" Maybe he'd passed out, again?

Something didn't feel right. He forced himself to look up, but only a little. He didn't know those shoes. Was he being rented? Taken in the bathroom? The person crouched and he looked further down staring into his lap. This was his school uniform. "Bakugou" a soft voice called and he flinched again. Aizawa? Did... Did he pay for him? Really? Tears welled in his eyes and he didn't care this time. Rules be damned. Nothing could hurt worse than this betrayal.

"Bakugou" his betrayer called again. Something really felt wrong. Wouldn't something've happened by now?

"Fucking hell" He mumbled "The fuck do you want? 'cause I don't fucking beg" The more he talked, the more he woke up. He wasn't in his bathroom. Where was he? If he wasn't at home, then...? He looked up to meet eyes with Aizawa, who looked more than worried, the woman from before was gone. He was at school. Panic seized at his chest and he couldn't hide it this time, grabbing at his shirt and curling in on himself.

"S-Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry!" He couldn't breathe. How could he let himself have an episode in school. In front of his teacher of all people! He's definitely going to be kicked out now.

Arms snaked around him and he flinched. "It's okay, I promise" His teacher soothed, petting his head. Katsuki shook his head. It wasn't okay. Nothing was. He messed up. He ruined it. It was all ruined; the perfect image of a strong hero he'd created. It was broken, smashed, erased. But he let himself be hugged by the usually stoic man and even felt himself leaning into the man.

"Bakugou, can you tell me five things you can see? Or just, anything you see?"

He took a shaky breath, "Fuc-Fuckin' floor, walls, you, and... And... He held his breath, waiting for his mother to appear. This was a dream wasn't it? Just an illusion. A play to see how much she could hurt him.

" No, no... Katsuki, can you tell me what you feel?" His teachers voice reminded, pulling him back to the school hallway

"You-you" He stuttered out, eyes still searching for her "the floor. Their... Fuck" He could feel their hands, still on him no matter how hard he scratched and scrubbed. Like a punishment. He really hated this. It was hell even when he was away from it all. "S- Sorry"

"'S alright. What can you hear?"

"Teachers, doors, me- me talking"

"And what do you smell?"

Katsuki paused here, taking a few deep breaths to try and smell. His teacher pulled him closer, giving him a strong feeling of safe. Finally.

"You" He took another breath "Coffee. And... Cat food?"

His teacher snorted "Of course" Glancing around, Katsuki noted that the officer's sister was gone. It was just him and Aizawa.

"I have three cats" His teacher explained.

"Tell me about them" Aizawa checked his watch then nodded

"Okay so, I've got Koko, he's a dark chocolate brown and we're not sure if he's fat or fluffy" Katsuki cracked a smile. "Then there's Mikan, and she's an orange tabby and the singular most mischievous cat in the world. And finally I've got Kiniro, he's hairless. I named him that because he's got a heart of gold"

"Hairless?" Katsuki whispered and he got a nod in return. " I always wanted a hairless cat, they're really cute" He mumbled.

"You could stay at my apartment this weekend, if you want. It's not okay to be hurt at home" Katsuki didn't know how to respond. So he just nodded. It was normal for him. He didn't like it but it was his normal. How did Aizawa know?

"Okay?" His teacher let himself go and stood back up, extending a hand to Katsuki

"Only if I get to pet your damn cats" He murmured, taking the hand. Despite his words, a grin lay on his lips.

"Alright, if you want to freshen yourself in the bathroom go ahead, I'll wait for you back in class. Don't worry about the Detective's presentation. That was just a bunch of fancy wording for yes the police works with the Hero Commission" And with that, Katsuki was the only one in the hallway. He promptly turned on his heel and sauntered to the bathroom. There was no one around so it didn't matter.

Once there, he stood in front of the mirror and splashed water on his face, washing away the remnants of what'd just happened. How easily he could wash away the evidence amused him. He hid a jolt when the door slammed open.

"Well, well, well, look what we've got here, Mr. big shot Villain" Katsuki hid a frown under a scowl. Monoma smirked back, stalking forward to grab Katsuki's hair and dragged him to a stall, Katsuki resisted, his pain tolerance was pretty high and this kid wasn't very strong. Yet he was still at the stupid stall.

"Hell you want Fuckface?" He didn't get an answer, only his abdomen being kneed, forcing him down. The 1-B freak was unusually quiet.

"What the fuck!"

"You 1-A bitches think you're all that, but you're nothing" Monoma hissed at him. Katsuki didn't have the energy for this, after such an event beforehand.

"Fuck off" He growled he didn't think much of anything but as his head was forced into the toilet, he realized that ever step this joker had taken was planned. All to dunk him. He struggled but Monoma just added another hand forcing him further into the germ-filled water. Katsuki's lungs were beginning to burn and he released pops from his hands. Dully, he heard something slam before his head was released. He lifted himself from the water, coughing and heaving. Monoma was next to him and as Katsuki rose to send his ass to hell, he noticed that the student was wrapped in his teacher's scarf. His eyes followed the scarf to see his teacher.

"You didn't come back" Katsuki shrugged in response, a grin on his face.

"And you!" He watched as his teacher's anger filled eyes turned to Monoma. "You're expelled. Expect a police report" Aizawa released Monoma, who ran out. Katsuki laughed.

"Damn I've been fucking waiting to see that"

Hairless cats are way cute (=^ェ^=)

* the 'e' never looks italicized

Word Count: 1193 (surprise)

(Grammar and spelling fixed)

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