F O U R T Y - T H R E E

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It was after school. He sat in his seat his teacher collected his things and got it ready for the next day. Katsuki had already wiped all the desks down.

"'Zawa?" He finally got the courage to ask. "What... happened to Mom? After I freaked"

His teacher took a second to respond, tapping the stack of papers on his desk to straighten them. "I kicked her out. She threw a fit, and I had Vlad 'escort' her out. Nezu removed her from the contact list. She can't come here anymore. It's safe"

Katsuki felt that feeling of wanting to cry, yet nothing came. He wasn't surprised, his body knew he'd already been weak enough today. No need to add to that. 

"Nezu contacted officer Tsukauchi so we can start things. But anyways... You and Kaminari finally got together?"

"Yeah" Katsuki mumbled, trying to cool his warm cheeks.

"Congratulations. Actually, a few if the teachers were very surprised by it. Specifically All Might, it was very entertaining to watch"

Katsuki clicked his tongue. "He can be surprised"

His teacher raised an eyebrow, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Oh? Is there something I should know about between you and All Might?"

"No. He's just not exactly my favorite hero" Katsuki looked away, watching students walking out of the school through the window. He mumbled "You are"

His teacher gave a snort. "Why is that my I didn't peg you as a favorite switching kid"

"'M not a fucking kid!" He said, standing to grab his bag and follow the man out. "But he didn't save me, you did"

His teacher didn't respond right away, but as the reached the end of the hall to go down the stairs, he finally answered. "I'll always save you. All of my problem children"

"I know. You're the real number one. And I'll surpass you. I'll be number one"

"Damn right you'll be" When Katsuki laughed, his teacher quickly added a 'not that it came from me'.

"I'm going to block sixteen this weekend if that's fine. I want Kami to meet my fucking saviours"

"Sure. Do you call him that because it's shorter or because of the meaning? Just curious" His teacher held open the door and he walked through.

" Thanks. Uh, dunno. I didn't think about it"

"So it's one of those naturally given names"

"Yeah. Oh hey, how did the whole mic thing happen? Like, who asked who?"

"Tie your shoe before you trip. Hizashi did. He tried to be all romantic borders whatever and do it at a restaurant but he ended up slipping and making a huge mess"

"But you still said yes?" Katsuki crouched down and quickly re-tied his shoe before they resumed walking towards his teacher's apartment complex.

"Obviously. He's an idiot, he needs someone to keep him in check"

"You say that as if you don't need him to brighten up your sad, sad life"

"Yeah right. Here's the key, I'll be back in–"

"Half an hour, Two-C, six knocks. Got it"

Katsuki smirked at his teacher who exasperatedly handed him the key and his bag. But not before pulling out his wallet. Katsuki took it and walked through the doors to the lobby. He took the stairs instead of the elevator to get a little more exercise in.

As he passed through the hall to get to his teacher's apartment, he was stopped by the woman from before. "So you've come again, how are you sweetheart?"

Him? A sweetheart? What the hell? "I'm fine. You?" The woman smiled at him and he grinned back.

"I'm doing well. But can I ask, why do you stay with Aizawa?"

"Uh, I have some... trouble at home. He's letting me stay with him while we sort it out"

The woman's face turned into a soft, concerned look. "I see. I hope it gets sorted out quickly; I hate to see such sweet kids like you have such trouble"

"It's fine, and I'm not exactly 'sweet'" He laughed.

"If that's what help you sleep at night, sure. Now run along, I'm sure his cats already like you"

"'Kay" Katsuki unlocked the door and stepped into his teacher's apartment.

He took off his shoes and hooked the two bags on the coat rack. Out if the corner of his eye, he could see his teacher's cats approaching.

He was then assaulted by said cats, they charged at him, giving loud 'meow's. Shrieking, Katsuki ran; heading for the living room. The cats followed at insane speeds.

"Hey! Chillax!" He told them as he hid behind a recliner chair. The air went still and Katsuki held his breath. Did he successful hide from them?

'Meow!' Katsuki spun. Kiniro stood behind him, staring expectantly. Katsuki moved to pick up the cat, smiling when the hairless cat purred.

'Meow!' He turned around again to see Koko sitting in the chair. He reached out with his free hand to pet the cat. So fluffy.

He didn't hear Mikan, but he did feel her as she brushed between his legs.

"Don't fucking run at me next time. That shit was scary" He told them seriously. "Damn I'm always talking to you guys as if you understand. Do you even know what I'm talking about?"

He was met with Mikan moving to sit on his foot. He scoffed. "Of course"

The door was given six knocks before it clicked, opening afterwards.

"I hope you didn't destroy my house" his teacher called.

"Nah, but I'm stuck"

"What?" Aizawa walked into the living room only to snort. "Not surprised. You're definitely a cat person"

"Mnhm. I used to hang out with the alley cats when I didn't want to go to block sixteen"

"That's good, those cats never get people to interact with them. Most of them were abandoned"

"Yeah, I wanna take 'em all home" He sighed, moving to sit on the chair he was next to. Mikan followed. Koko had moved to sit on the chair's arm. Kiniro in his arms, he was surrounded.

His teacher rolled his eyes and stepped into the kitchen, disappearing from view. "I'm making katsudon, just so you know"

"Shitty Deku loves that"

A rare laugh came from his teacher. "For someone who doesn't like Midoriya, you sure care about what he likes and doesn't"

Katsuki sputtered, carefully placing Kiniro down to go watch Aizawa. "I don't care about him! He just– I... Fucking hell"

His teacher gave a pointed look, as if to say 'I caught you'. Katsuki flushed, moving to grab the rice and wash it for the man.

"Oh uh, 'Zawa? Do you know about Icy-hot's dead brother? Touya? He used to come to block sixteen with me"

"How the hell do you end up knowing everyone important?"

Katsuki laughed, "Karma, I guess"

Word Count: 1133

I don't have a planned sequel, or spin off, just to address that to everyone. But if I figure one out, I'll let y'all know.

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