T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Wednesday started out badly. Katsuki breathlessly laughed at himself as he sat curled in between the wall and his bed. He was blocked on all sides as pillows created walls around him. He wanted Aizawa. It wasn't safe here. It wasn't safe. His phone pinged across the room and he flinched. Mother was going to come, that noise was her trying to lure him out. He wasn't safe.

He wanted her to leave, go away and maybe never return. He wanted it to stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Please stop.

"I'm okay" He whispered, but nothing really sounded. "I'm okay" his voice didn't sound again and he panicked, jumping out of his protective fort and out the door in his sweatpants and shirt. He ran barefoot through the carpeted halls and right past other doors. The whole time, he was focusing on his lack of voice. He knocked on his teacher's dorm room. Every second it didn't open his panic rose. He didn't notice he wasn't breathing. He hated this. Make it stop. Make it stop. The door opened. Aizawa stood there. Katsuki latched onto the man. He took gasping, shuddering breaths as he held his safe person tight.

"Katsuki? What's wrong?" He shook his head, his hair brushing against the man's clothing.

"Are you hurt?" He shook his head again

"Are you safe?" He shrugged.

"Can you talk?" He shook his head.

"Do you want to?" He nodded then paused before shrugged.

"Okay, let's get you calmed down," Katsuki let himself be led into the man's dark room, blinking as the lights were flicked on. It was messy. Papers were strewn everywhere; on every surface. There was no bed, he noticed, only a comfy looking couch. A coffee table sat in front of it covered in papers and manila folders. The walls were empty aside from various old looking papers tacked up, as he was led passed the papers, he realized that the papers on the wall were letters.

"Katsuki, sit here" He did as told but kept his eyes on the man. His teacher might leave, Katsuki was probably annoying him. He watched Aizawa clear the table slightly and sit on it so that he was in front of Katsuki. Katsuki brought a fist to his chest and silently rubbed it in a circle that rounded his chest in a clockwise motion. His cotton shirt self nice on his skin.

"Don't be sorry, Problem Child" Katsuki took in a sharp breath.

‹No› He signed, ‹Sorry›

His hair was ruffled and he leaned into it. "Katsuki you never have to be sorry about think kind of stuff. Are you better now?" He nodded, "Do you know what triggered this?"

Shrugging, Katsuki frowned as he thought. ‹N-i-g-h-m-a-r-e› he finger-spelled out to the man. He would need to brush up on his knowledge of sign again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Katsuki shook his head. "I'm here if you change your mind, then" he nodded, relaxing in the scent of hazelnut coffee. He then remembered what had happened minutes earlier.

‹Why can't I talk?› he signed, pausing a moment to remember the sign for 'talk'.

"I don't know? Do you want to try again? Or maybe we should wait a little longer"


"Alright, do you wanna go get ready? School starts in like forty-five minutes"

Katsuki nodded, but when he stood up, the room felt like it was spinning and he felt numb and fuzzy, He sat back down quickly, his hard pumping so hard it almost hurt.

"Feelin' bad?" His teacher asked gently, ever the telepath. Katsuki didn't really want to move his head in fear of the strange sensation so he nodded a closed fist, the sign for yes, in the smallest motion he could while conveying his message.

He knew the baby signs, the alphabet, and a few of the harder ones but he hadn't really used them for a little while. Though, just like speaking, he didn't forget the language. Oh. The kid he used to sign to was on that list. He rubbed his shirt, clenching and unclenching the fabric and pulling it until it was stretched and baggy. Aizawa stood and his eyes flickered to the man attentively.

‹Should I go?› He asked, surely he was being a bother to the man. They both had to get ready anyways.

"If you want to. You can stay if you still feel bad"

Shrugging, Katsuki ignored the pain in his chest. ‹O-k› He signed before remembering that he could've just given a thumbs up. So he did that too. Katsuki stood, shakily and when he felt the fuzzy numbness again, he ignored it. He was being a bother.

"I'll come collect you to go to class in a few minutes" Aizawa called. He nodded back, "If you're ready before me, wait in the lounge" He nodded again before exiting the room. As soon as the door clicked closed, Katsuki's hands flew to his chest. It hurt. He took slow, silent steps back to his room. As he did though, Kirishima exited his own.

"Hey Bakubro!" He gave a single nod and kept going. "You okay man?" He realized his hands were still on his chest and he nodded again, dropping his arms to his sides. He struggled to take another step once he realized he'd paused. Everything was screaming at him to sit down, to stop. Yet at the same time, he wanted to run, to hide, to sprint back to wherever it was safe. He closed his door behind him with a 'click' and slid down to the floor. It wasn't safe. He crawled to his fort and repacked himself inside. He had to be safe; he had to hide.

Fun Fact: I learned to sign before I learned to speak, so technically sign language is my first language. [it was a lifesaver when I couldn't speak in the hospital]

Word Count: 993

I signed things out as I wrote them. There's not really filler words in asl so that's why it may sound choppy. But you get the gist and that's what matters.

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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