T H I R T Y - T W O

1K 59 25

I HIT 5K WOOOOW ✧*。(ˊ˘ˋ*)✧*。

Katsuki was sitting in the spotless lounge when the others arrived with Aizawa. He was reading a book. Just an hour into the cleaning her gotten frustrated and spewed curses, effectively finding his voice. Sure, he'd still been freaked out but he definitely felt better. He looked up

"Bak– Katsuki... Sorry" He shrugged at his teacher, "How are you feeling?"

"Better, I cleaned"

"I can see," Aizawa nodded, "It looks a lot better, you did a good job" Katsuki smiled, unable to keep it off his face at the rare praise.

"Did I miss anything?"

"No, it was just a bunch of lectures about everyone's behavior expectations. Nothing worth worrying about" Katsuki hummed in response, closing his book and tucking it in the side of the couch cushion.

Kaminari appeared behind Aizawa, walking into the room. In his arms was a bundled blanket and two pillows that were barely in his grasp.

"Katsu~ki " the teen sang. He smiled at Kaminari and flipped the bird. 

"He means to say hello" Aizawa translated. Kaminari laughed, throwing himself onto the couch next to Katsuki. 

"I know! Deep, deep down, he's just a softie*"

Katsuki scowled, "die" 

"And what's that mean?" the electric blonde asked teasingly.

"He said you're right" Aizawa answered stoically. Katsuki stood, palms crackling in anger. He parted his lips for a moment before clamping them back down. Kaminari laughed. 

"Sit down blasty, we all know what you said"

Katsuki huffed silently, sitting back down next to Kaminari. He grabbed a pillow, hugging it as he read the still rolling credits. 

"So" He heard Kaminari whisper to his teacher, "What happened? Did he get hurt or have a moment?" He appreciated the gesture, so that anyone lingering around didn't hear, but Kaminari had to work on his whispering skills

"I don't know, but he doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to"

"Course not! Blasty can just sleep on the couch while we're supposed to be watching a movie tonight"

Katsuki scowled. "I don't fucking fall asleep. You do, dumbass"

Aizawa looked unconvinced. "Right" The teacher left to grade or something. Kaminari turned to smile at him.

"It looks good. We should hire you to be the maid"

"That'd be two thousand yen per hour, you can't afford me" He returned.

Kaminari scoffed, "What do you think I am? A broke high schooler who spends all their money on Netflix access?"

Katsuki gave the teen a pointed look.

"Fine fine, I understand. I don't have to share my fine taste in shows with you if you really don't want it"

"Tch! What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Stir fry" Katsuki had to admit, he was soft for Kaminari's smile. He'd do anything for it.

"Fine. You pick out a movie and I'll start that"

"Yes sir!" Katsuki bit his lips to stop them from forming a smile. He lived to the kitchen. It was spotless and so much better than before. Katsuki measured and washed the rice before putting it in the rice cooker. He set a timer and returned to Kaminari on the couch.

"I'll finish making it in twenty minutes"

"Okay. Guess what I picked"


"Close, but Disney is ten out of ten. It's called Avatar"

"The anime? I've seen that already"

"No, it's different. It has blue people in it. I hope you're okay with reading subtitles"

"'Course I am. It better be good"

"It should be"

"I'll hold you too that, now gimme the blanket"

"Yes, your Highness"

"You're lucky you're cute, dumbass"

Kaminari grinned as the movie started and Katsuki watched the electric blonde's cheeks become dusted red.

He really liked Kaminari.

*softie or softy???

Word Count: 677

If anyone's wondering; I typically shoot for 700 words, but if it's more then that's great. Usually, 700 is when you hit the good stuff and end up writing a bunch after that. 300s are like blah.

Again: thank you all for all the reads, votes, and comments; I love getting notified. Thank youuu!!

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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