T H I R T Y - N I N E

762 48 14

Katsuki boredly sat on the counter next to the stove. The curry needed to simmer for a while before he could serve it. He was just about to pull out his phone to play a game or whatever when Kaminari walked in.

"Hey" The teen smiled. He looked adorable with slightly puffed out cheeks.

"What's up?"

"Straight to the point... Hah. So... Uh... Are you sure you're not going to kill us with ghost peppers or something?"

Katsuki laughed. "I'm not that mean"

Kaminari exhaled in relief. "Oh thank god. I thought I'd have to start writing my will"

"You're an idiot"

His friend- His boyfriend blinked. "But I'm you're idiot"

"Tch, of course" Katsuki paused as a thought dawned on him. "Kami?"

"Hm?" His partner replied, swaying to a tune that only he could hear. Katsuki took a moment to take it in. The way the teen's hips moved, the way he shifted his weight ever so slightly in between each leg, the way the light reflected perfectly off his hair in a way that made him glow. Sero was right. He was in deep.

"Are you free this weekend?"

"Of course. Why?"

"I want you to meet someone" He was going to The blocks anyways, why not bring his boyfriend to meet everyone? Plus... He did tell Boss that he'd tell him about the date. What's better than bringing proof of the date?

"Like your parent?"

"Kind of..." His breath caught in his throat. Kaminari was looking at him in suck a way that had his heart racing.

"Hey, you good?" His boyfriend asked.

"I, uh..." Katsuki paused to breathe. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine" Kaminari gave him a look of disbelief. "Do you know where Miss Midnight is?"

"Probably at her house or whatever, it's like six pm. What's goin' on? And tell me the truth"

Katsuki took a deep breath through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. "You remember how I pretty much grew up in block 16, right?"-his boyfriend nodded- "the couple that I spent most of my time at were the Kayamas. They're daughter is Nemuri Kayama, Miss Midnight. I want you to meet them"

"Then you have to meet my parents"

"Sure" He smiled, taking the lid off of the pan he made the curry in to stir it.

Kaminari sighed, leaning close to see. "That smells so good" Katsuki offered a smile, and leaned to grab bowls from the cabinet next to him. He could reach since he was on the counter, so thankfully Kaminari didn't get to see how short he really was. * He hopped off of the counter and scooped rice into half of each of the bowls. He added the curry.

"Be useful and set the table" he told the teen, who moved to do so with a grin and a 'sure thing, babe'. Katsuki's cheeks did not flush at the name. Not at all. He was just hot from the stove. That was all.

When the dishes were set out, Katsuki popped his head into the lounge. "Dinners ready"

"Yes!" Kirishima grinned, jumping up to run to the table.

"Smells good" Ashido commented before yelling a 'wash your hands first' at Kirishima.

Sero simply went to wash his hands to eat, side eying Katsuki in a way that conveyed distrust. Katsuki, in fact, had considered putting chili flakes in Sero's bowl but decided not to ruin their friendship quite yet.

"Enjoy my blood, sweat, and tears" he announced as they sat down. Ashido laughed and shoveled a spoonful of rice and curry in her mouth.

She immediately breathed out a careful breath and quickly swallowed. "Hot!"

"It's literally steaming. Use your eyes next time" He stated in a deadpan monotone.

Kirishima gave a thumbs up as he swallowed a mouthful. "Really good! Your like a real chef, bro!"

"I'm not surprised, honestly. Number one has to be good at everything, right?" Sero mumbled as he went for another bite. Katsuki grinned at the teen, he had won this time.

Word Count: 690

* Katsuki is taller than me by ten centimeters. (-"-;)

I spelled 'table' so badly that it auto corrected to 'tanks'

(I really love Indian curry and/or lentils)

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