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I would've gone with my friends to check out the Redfield Lighthouse, but I needed to go home. My dad had mentioned that if I don't stop around once in a while throughout the day, I would be in deep shit.

I told my friends I would meet up with them later. They said Jj's house and I agreed.

When my house came into view, I noticed my dad walking to the car.


"Hey, Kiddo."
"Where are you going?" I ask.

"On a drive. Why don't you tag along?" He suggests.


I get in the car and immediately notice we're starting to drive into Figure Eight.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"I want you to meet someone."

I laugh, "Is it your girlfriend?"

"You could say that." My dad replies.

I was taken back a little. I didn't really see my dad as the dating type, but if he was happy it's good right? I just hope she's nice.

We pull up to a familiar house. "Isn't this the Thornton's place?"

"Yup. She has that son Topper. Maybe he'll be here and y'all can hang out." He smiles.

I nod, trying to be nice. I wasn't a huge fan of Topper, considering he almost killed John B.

My dad knocks and immediately Cynthia Thornton answers the door. She smiles and invites us inside.

I have never been in a house so big. This is how people actually live? I was used to smelly fish and dirty t-shirts. How is it possible to have so much money?

I begin to wonder if Topper knows about his mom's relationship with my dad. I would assume it's a no, since he didn't mention it.

I watch my dad talk to Cynthia and notice a weird relationship between the two.

My dad is a Pouge raised fisherman, with two kids and an ex-wife who left him. Did Cynthia Thornton, a business woman, really want him?

The sound of steps appear behind me. I turn around and notice Topper. Great.

"Hey, Mom." Topper says. "Alessia?"

"Hey." Cynthia replies. "Topper, this is Beau Barlowe and his daughter, Alessia."

"You can call me Leia." I comment.

"Leia." Cynthia repeats. "I was wondering, Beau? Leia? If you would like to join Topper and I for dinner some time soon?"

"Sounds great." My dad answers. "The Friday before midsummers work for y'all?"

Midsummers wasn't for another two weeks, I had enough time to get comfortable with their relationship, right? I obviously wasn't a huge fan of this. I also wasn't interested in becoming a whole ass Kook, but it's for my dad. I'll do it.

"We'll see you two then." Cynthia says before we walk out the door.

I'm still really confused. Is my dad dating Ms. Thornton?

I'm going to assume they're just friends for now. It continues that small level of security knowing that I won't become a Kook anytime soon.

"Can you just drop my off at Jj's?" I ask my dad when we get in the car.

"Sorry, kid. I'm on a tight schedule. I have to go fix the boat. Ask Topper."


Topper was getting in his car when I yelled his name. "Topper!"

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