photo wall

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Last night, Pope slept at my house. My dad wasn't home, although the car was gone and his boat was here.

I thought he was on a fishing trip.

He has been weird lately. I think he's lying to me about something but I just can't place my finger on it.

Pope fell asleep with me in my bed.

Last night- After the kegger

"Dad?" I yell when we walk into the house. I noticed the boat tied to the dock outside. I assumed he was home.

Pope comes into the living room from the dark hallway. "His car isn't here."

Pope has been to my house a million times. My dad and I both trusted him to walk around the house alone.

"Thats really weird." I tell him.

"Maybe he's out with his mistress." Pope jokes.

I grab a pillow from the couch and throw it at him. "Shut up!"

He laughs, and places the pillow back on the couch.

"I'm gonna shower. You can wait in my room if you want." I tell him.

Pope is my bestfriend. We've been friends for years and I trust him with everything. I didn't mind letting him wait in my room for 15 minutes while I shower.

When I walk out of my bathroom, I catch him placing some photos on my wall.

"What're you doing?" I ask him. I continue to brush my wet hair while he answers me.

"Helping. You have all these photos on your desk and you're not even putting them up."

I had started placing photos on my wall a few months ago, but soon gave up. I got bored, like always.

The photos included a lot of the Pouges. I carry around my disposable camera everywhere I go. They often get annoyed when I continue to take photos of them but I want to keep the memories for my future grandchildren or even just for myself.

"How'd you get so much beer on your shirt?" Pope asks while he continues to place photos on my wall.

"Some Touron almost ran into Sarah. I pushed her out of the way and got hit with some beer."


"I'm tired. Can we go to bed?" I beg.

"Sure, L." Pope smiles sweetly.

This morning

When I woke up, I noticed my dad's car in the driveway. Well, he finally came home.

I quietly got out of bed and started to get ready.

My morning routine doesn't include a huge amount of steps. I turn on my sink and splash water onto my sunburnt face.

My eyes were caught on my face when I found myself in the mirror. I had dark red and purple scratches all over my face, not to mention, the large black and blue bruise over my eyebrow.

"What the hell?" I whisper. It was barely 8am. I didn't want to wake Pope. Though, I suppose that would be hard. Kid sleeps through anything.

Where did these marks even come from? I assume it's from the beer bottle I smashed across Topper's head last night. I chuckle. Jesus, did I really do that?

I ignore it and get back into bed with Pope. The bright summer sun glowed against his dark skin. I can't stop myself from staring at the boy, watching his chest rise and fall had a certain level of satisfaction in my heart.

a/n: very short chapter, sorry 🤷‍♀️

-569 words

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