Drama Bomb Inbound.

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~Gumballs P.O.V.~

As I reached the commotion, I realised who stood in the center of the crowd. I gasped, and dropped my bag to help stop the impemding fight.

~Finns P.O.V.~

"Look dude, I'm sorry she dumped you, but I had nothing to do with it!" I took a step forward to defend my ground. Last thing I wanted to do was get into a fight the first day of school, but I'm not going to back down, especially from Flame Prince. He stood before me, illuminating ground beneath and all around him. Fionna had broken up with him the night before, and he thought I was to blame. He must have tooken more pills than he was suppose to for his anger, because he definitely not himself.

~FP's P.O.V.~

"Quit playing dumb, Finn. You're the one who told your sister to dump me. Fess up and maybe I won't shove your hairless scrotum down your own throat." I was going to fight him either way. How dare he think he can jump in and ruin my relationship. Fionna had told me I needed to stop taking so many pills, or else I would get addicted. I showed her though, I took five more than necessary this morning. I'll show her who's addicted to what. The girl I loved so much, left me because of her brother."It's all your fault!" I drew back my fist, and punched him in his jaw.

~Marshall's P.O.V.~

Hearing all the yelling, I became interested. I like watching a good fight, and it was probably going to be the only interesting thing to happen all day, so I walked to the group. I noticed Finn holding his jaw, now burnt to at least the second degree, and watched as Flame went to throw another punch, right before Gumball decided to jump in the middle. I sighed aloud and mumbled below my breath. "Idiot..." Next thing I knew, I was now in the middle of the gathering.

~Gumballs P.O.V.~

I stood before Flame, trying not to look nervous. I came in at the wrong time, because next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground doubled over holding my burning stomach. Coughing, I prepared for the next blow.

~Marshalls P.O.V.~

"Better watch who the fuck you're hitting." he narrowed his gaze at me, then lightened up when I returned his gesture. "Back off Marshall. This isn't your problem." I laughed at his remark, how stupid of him to think he's superior to me. I hissed at him. "Do you really wanna go down this road again, Flamey?" I smirked saying his pet name Fionna had given him awhile back. He simply walked away. I took note on everybody watching. Facing the crowd, I noticed some of my fangirls giggling to each other. I rolled my eyes. "Shows over. Thanks for attending." Great, now I have to take care of these two.

~Finns P.O.V.~

I stood up, and attempted to thank Marshall for that. He simply rolled his eyes and helped Gum ball up. Sliding my jaw left in right, I spit out some blood, then traveled up the stairs at the front of the school to wash off my burn.

~Gumballs P.O.V.~

I tried to stand up on my own, feeling ashamed. I arose, then clenched my stomach. Feeling and arm under my shoulder, I turned, averting my line of sight at none other than the guy who just stopped me from getting my face beat in. I wanted to say thanks, but I didn't want to feel like more of a pansy than necessary. He helped me walk to a bench, and sat us down.

~Marshalls P.O.V.~

"You know, I did basically just save your life. A simple Thanks works." I attempted to stare him into his brilliant violet orbs, but he looked off else where, obviously embarrassed. "I'm leaving, so hope you can stand up." That got his attention. He looked me in the eyes, seeming frustrated. "Since when are you nice to me, Marshall?" His words stung my ears for some reason. It felt as if someone poured acid into my ear drums. I cringed lightly, then smirked, giving off the impression it hadn't effected me. "You know I don't hate you, Gummy-Butt. I'm just an asshole by nature." This time, it was his turn to roll his eyes. I chuckled at his new gesture, and smiled. "Maybe if you hung out with me more, you wouldn't think I hated you."

~Gumballs P.O.V.~

"The reason I don't hang out with you, is because you're usually a douche." I stood up, feeling capable. Turning on last time, I smiled slightly, and blushed. Why? Perhaps it's because Marshall was intimidating, in a weird, jerkish way. Yeah, that's the answer I'll go with. "Thanks. See you around." With that, I walked off.

~Marshalls P.O.V.~

I slapped my self internally for catching my self staring at his round butt as he strode off. I'm not gay? What's my problem? I-It just looks like a girls butt. That's what it is. Sighing aloud, I stood, and went the opposite direction. Buzzing though the hallways were talk about the fight, and obvious new rumors that had nothing to do with the actual conflict. 'Its because Flame kisses Britney!' , 'Gumball was defending Finn, I bet the frick-fracked!', 'Marshall Saved them, how adorable!'. Putting my head phones in, I glided to my first Class, World History. I sat in the back corner, and propped my feet on this girls desk. She turned, about to flip out on whatever male decided to invade her space. Instead, she smiled and began playing with her hair. "Want me to take your notes?" She bit her lip and tried to look seductive. I really didn't feel like anything, so I smirked back and played along. Handing her my notebook, I bit my lip back. "Would you please, sweetie?" She winked and turned, and I sighed from relief. Next thing I knew, I was asleep. I awoke to the intercom making it's scratchy sounding announcement. "I need to see the following people in the front office, Finn Mertens, Bonnibeau Gumball, and Marshall Lee Abadeer." Groaning, I stood up and stretched. The girl from earlier watched as I did so. "Don't be gone to long." I didn't bother playing along this time. "Yeah sure." I just wanted the first day to end, and it's not even second hour yet.

~Finns P.O.V.~

I was still in the bathroom washing my jaw when I heard my name. "Can't they just drop it? If it's not other students, it's the staff." Drying my face with a paper towel, I winced at the pain. I pushed open the door, and strolled to the front, dreading what was to come next. When I arrived, Marshall was sitting beside Gumball to the far right of the room, adjacent to the principals desk. I took my spot beside Marshall, and prepared for what was to come next.

~Gumballs P.O.V.~

I'm totally freaking out. I've never been in trouble at school before! I was only trying to help! Feeling him touching my shoulder, I looked up. Marshall stared me down. "Chill. Stop breathing so hard. It's freaking me out." I was oblivious of the fact I was hyperventalating. "Boys, I'm going to cut to the chase. You all have Saturday school. Stay out of fights that aren't yours, and avoid them anyways." She didn't even make an appearance, she just yelled it behind a closed door. She must not have wanted to deal with this alrea- "Saturday School!?" That's so extreme! And what about Flame? What was his punishment!? As if reading my mind, Finn spoke. "I take it Flame is suspended?" The principal replied. "Rehab first, suspension later." Marshall laughed and stood. "Ready to spend a weekend with me, Gummy-Butt?" I folded my arms and sighed, then returned to class.


Ok guys, this is only my second fan fiction like, ever, so please comment suggestions and what you think!

Oh, and you can vote if you want, but that's not nessicary. (:

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