Sometimes, Love Demands Sacrafice.

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Ok so this chapter is going to kind of be the back story of Marceline and Bonnibelle's past relationship, it will shift from present to past a lot so that may help clear any confusion.

~Marcelines POV~

Both sweat and blood where trickling down my forehead.

The immense heat that surrounded my body was excruciating, but not nearly as intense as the heat my blood produced as my anger rose.

At the end of the day, it'll all be worth it.

Any amount of pain is worth going through for her. I'd lay my undead life down somehow just to protect her.

It's kind of cliché, but true. Funny isn't it? The Vampire queen who doesn't produce emotions or feelings for anybody, is willing to give whatever amount of breath she has left to protect someone.

The steam rose as another droplet of my blackish-red blood missed the vile and landed in a puddle of magma.

"Damn it, Stop moving!" The Fire person grabbed my hair and held my head still.

I'll be damned if he is going to tell me what to do. I leaned my face forward, and spit on him.

He dropped my hair and held his face. He groaned in pain, and I smiled.

"Grin all you want, Marcy. I'm sure Flame Prince is going to love to hear about this. And I'm sure you'll love to hear what he does to Bonnie."

My smiled dropped and in it's place, a scowl with the sound of a low growl. Nobody touches her. If they try, they're basically writing their suicide note.
"He won't touch her. I'm complying, am I not?" I felt another drop of the liquid fall and heard it sizzle.
"Any fight you put up is another action done to her." He grabbed my hair again, and held my head over the yellow vile.

Just two more drops. Then I can leave. Bonnie will be safe, and Flame can have the quick healing he needs.

Being a Vampire, my genetic code is wired to not let me die. My blood has a component that allows my body to heal injuries up to 10x faster than that of a mortal. Immortal blood is very rare, and very expensive. Even the most wealthy of royalty can't afford it. The only way to truly achieve it, is to either convince a Vampire to turn you, Make a deal with an immortal, or murder them. Luckily, the last option is extremely complicated and hard to do, instead, Flame Prince decided to make a deal with me.

He captured the one thing he knows I cherish more than my life.

Bonnibelle Bubblegum.

Yes, me and her broke it off a year or two back, but in my heart, there's nobody who can take her place.

Bonnie was more valuable than all the jewels in this world. Prettier than them all too, if I may add.

And they knew that. Flame knew I hold her dear to my heart, so he decided to obtain the precious liquid he so desperately desired by threatening to take her away from me.

He was going to murder her if I didn't comply.

~Bonnibelle's P.O.V.~

"Marceline, how many times have I told you, Please keep your feet off of the coffee table!" She scoffed and dropped them to the plush pink carpet.
"Come on babe, I'm just trying to relax here!" She smiled and scooted over, allowing me room to sit beside her. I complied.

"I'm sorry Marcy, I forgot sitting around the castle all day and playing the bass was so exhausting. Next time, I'll make sure to be thankful all I have to do is deal with a kingdom." I rolled my eyes, and she began to massage My shoulders gently.
"Chill Bonnie, you know I'm playing with you." She continued to rub my sore shoulders. Today was among many of the stressful says I had. I'm balancing School, a Kingdom, and a Relationship.

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