Please Forgive Me For Whatever I do.

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~Gumballs P.O.V.~

"Shut up, I get it!" I slammed the button on my alarm clock, hoping I managed to do it in time before the annoying device woke up Mochro. This is my punishment, he shouldn't have to wake up early and suffer through it.

Saturday School. Great. Now I get to lose four hours of my life that I'll never get back. I stood up, and slowly made my way to my closet. A Pink Polo and khakis will suffice. I changed silently as possible in the room, careful not to awaken my slumbering roomate. I placed my dirty laundry neatley in the hamper beside MC's pile.
My hair was basically perfect when I woke up, for once. But it's not very proper to leave the house without fixing it to some degree, so I drug my still half asleep body to my bathroom, where I pushed my hair up into it's usual place, applying a small amount of mousse to keep it still. Now to pick out which toothpaste flavour. Hmm... Cotton Candy was yesterday... perhaps wintergreen? Why not. I wet my pink striped tooth brush and applied a pea sized dab of the toothpaste. After spitting out the weird tasting substance, I rinsed both my mouth, and the brush.

I checked the clock and noticed it was 7:45. I'm suppose to be there at 8:00. Fantastic.

Rushing through the hall, I quickly threw on my pink vans and met Pepp by the door.
"Good morning Bub! Are you ready?"
She of course had a smile planted on her fully awake face.

"As ready as I'm going to get, I suppose." I shrugged and halfway smiled.

"Well then, you better get in the car! I'll join you in a moment." She then trotted off to the kitchen with a skip in her step.

I left the house and shut the door quietly, still aware of my sleeping friend. It was beautiful outside this morning. Birds of all different species were filling the summer morning air with their sounds. Although they sounded nothing alike, they blended in harmony. It amazes me how that works in life. Complete opposites can somehow morph into one and create something more beautiful than the individuals, almost like my friend circle. We're all different, but somehow, I suppose we all have similar ground.

I opened the car door and hopped in the front seat. Riding in the back always makes me feel like the driver is just my taxi. Unless of course someone else is in the front.

Peppermint came out of the house with three things in her tiny hands somehow. One being my phone, oh crap. I must have forgot it. The second was a muffin, a chocolate Muffin. That sweet woman brought me breakfast because I had forgotten. The third item was money? For gas I assume. Although she could have placed it within her purse... but whatever. Women are too strange.

I had to open her door due to her hands being full. She tossed me the muffin, my phone, and took a seat, putting her seat belt on.
"Now Gumball, you know better than to forget breakfast. I brought you your favourite! A chocolate muffin!" The vehicle roared to life.
"Thank you Pepp. I was just in a hurry." I looked at my phone and scrolled through, finding no new notifications. I inhaled the muffin like it was the last on Earth. Pepp found that funny and giggled at that. We rode in silence for about five minutes, before she decided to break it.

"Have fun at the party tonight. Don't do anything to crazy." She winked and smiled, returning her vision to the road.
"Psh, me?" We turned into the parking lot that was basically empty. I began to get out of the car, when she tapped my shoulder.
"Take this." She handed me what looked to be $60. The money she had been carrying.
"This is in case you need anything. Keep the change."

"Thank you Pepp, have a wonderful day. Love you, and I'll see you tonight!" I shoved the money in my pocket and trodded through the school. I came to the room which I was told to report to. Finn was already there, but not suprisingly, Marshall was not. Probably running late again. The teacher, whom I didn't know, was focusing on his computer.
"If you are here for Saturday School, sign in and take a seat." I did as I was told, and sat beside Finn, who smiled and returned to doing what I assumed to be geometry. I took out my novel on astro physics, and began to read.
~Marshalls P.O.V.~
ShitShitShitShit I'm late! Hell, I'm still wearing Pajamas! I finally landed at the door to the school, and bolted down the hall, Sliding around every corner due to still being in my house shoes. Eventually, I found the room I was suppose to be at. I threw open the door and panted breathlessly.

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