But Who's Going to Save Me? (I)

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~Fionnas POV~

"No! Guys! Stop it!"

Another crash, another broken picture frame, another overturned peice of furniture.

They won't stop. Whoever these two are won't stop!

I don't know where I am.

The walls are wooden planks with dust everywhere. The unsettling smell of sweat and mold have taken over. All over is broken glass, old torn magazines, overturned chairs and the worst, two men fighting.

The sound of creaking wood and fist-to-face contact filled my ears.

This room feels... Fimiliar... Almost like I've been here but, I feel it was happy at some point.

Dust filled my lungs and I coughed as the taller male was flipped over the couch, and onto his back, the shorter one kicking him.

Leave to me to save the day... Again.

Wait... Why can't I stand?

I tried again, only to fall back to the ground. What is this!?

Kicking, struggling, crawling, anything.

Nothing is working. I have to stop them!


each thrash I make is making my head hurt. I don't understand!

But I have to keep trying.

~Cakes POV~

The white walls of the hospital blurred by as I ran as fast as my legs would take me. The low beeping of machines and soft, soothing hospital music all seemed to distant compared to the one machine whose noise is drowning out all others.

Fionna's heart monitor. Her heartbeat is speeding up. This could be it.

"DOCTOR!" tears blurred my sight as I finally caught him and a team of nurses rushing past me.

This can't be happening. Not now.

Following in hot pursuit behind the team of medical experts, they shut me out of her room.

"Let me in! Who in the hell do you think you are!?" I banged on the cold, metallic door. No response.

I can't see Fi. There are too many crowding her.

The beeping is becoming more frantic by the second. This can't be happening!

Glob, please!

I fell to my knees, and cried. The metal door felt cold. Too cold. As if it was made from death itself. I swear, if my tears hit the door other than the floor, they would freeze.

Freeze as hard as Fionna's heart is.


No... No...NO!

~Finns POV~
I burst through the hospital doors, knocking the left one partially off of it's hinges.

Familys in the waiting room, silently staring at the wall.

That caused my heart to somehow sink lower than it already was, knowing that's exactly how Fionna looks.

Blankly staring at nothing, yet seeing everything.

Behind me, Monochromicorn was helping Marshall carry the still hysteric Gumball, not only crying from his assault, but the fact his bestfriend is.... Gone.

Pheobe was rushing beside me, carrying the vile we needed not twenty minutes ago.

We were too late.

Rushed footsteps from all of us echoed through the hall as we came to the room.

Door closed, locked, and a curtain drawn across the tiny window.

The next sound I heard was Cake crying hysterically.

Mochro dropped Gumball, leaving all of the weight to Marshall, and rushed to his girlfriend.

"Get away from me!"

She swatted at him, trying to refuse his embrace.

In the end, he won anyways.

Mochro broke next, crying for his friend.

Marshall looked at me, and then looked away.

This is all his fault.

If he hadn't have dated that... That Monster...

My sister would still be here.

I was the next to break.

"It can't be true."

The walls looked so blank and I felt terrible knowing that was the last thing my sister saw. Something so, ordinary. She deserved to see all seven wonders of the world. But instead, just some cheaply made white paint from Wal-Mart.

I can't take this. Just the other day, we were playing BMO and betting our last hot wing.

My enviroment has become a blurr.

Not just my sights, but my touch seemed non existant, my smell disappeared, the only taste was that of my own tears. I was immune to the world.

Until I realised, I still had my hearing. And only one sound triggered my acknowledgement towards it.



Short chapter, I know. But it will be a multi-part one.

I may combine them all into one chapter later but for now, I am going to break it up.


P.S. let me know if I played with yo feels.

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