Talk Me Down

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Hours later, back in town.

For once, I was happy. Happy and content with my feelings.

For once, I knew and fully understood how I felt. I know what these emotions mean and why I can't wipe this dumbass smile off of my face.

I'm in love.

The gentle, cold breeze envoloped all of us. The small trees planted along the side walk of Aaa's downtown swayed and dropped dead leaves everyonce in a while. That's where we are now, walking the old and gum covered pavement along the edges of small buisness's and family owned restraunts. The smell of fresh baked vanilla cookies and hot brewed coffee could be noticed miles back at the Hospital.

Gumball walked beside me and we talked about everything and anything, watching each other point at objects in windows that caught our interest. Infront of us, Monochrome and Finn were throwing pinecones at eachother from one of the decorum trees. Cake stood between the four of us, watching over us like a mother. Sometimes she would look back at me and Bubba, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Surely it wasn't that obvious.

Was it?

Gummy tugged on my jacket sleeve and pointed to a little throw pillow in a drugstore window. It wasn't anything that great, just a regular square pillow with black lace trim, and small hearts plastered against the red background. But in the middle was a small, square crevice with a little hatch that could be velcro'd over to close it, sorta like a lid.

"Now, why would any sane human make a pillow with a hole in it?" Gumball questioned, a look of curiosity in his face.

"Maybe it's to hide stuff in, like candy, or concert tickets, or Taco Bell coupons or-"

"Or notes." He shoved his hands into his jacket pocket and stared at the pillow in admiration.

"...You like it, don't you?" I smirked at him, knowing damn well he wanted it.

His face added a small extra tint of pink and he smiled back, nodding. "It's quite different. I like... Different."
I sighed and watched as the group kinda stopped and were looking back at us.

"Come on dudes, what are ya doing?" Finn called back. I waved them to continue walking forward. "We'll catch up later!" I yelled back, and opened the door to the Drugstore for my, now, boyfriend.

Boyfriend. Such a strange word, isn't it? Especially since I am calling Bubba Gumball mine.

He walked past me with a 'thank you.' and I nodded. Ok, I'll admit, I looked at his butt.

I'm still a guy, I mean, come on.

Gummy walked straight up to the pillow and grabbed it from it's display. With that, he walked up to the register and the cashier began to ring up his product. I had little to no time to react but I managed to storm over in time to hand the women my cash rather than Gumball's.

Gunmy shot me a glare that meant I was going to be in trouble later. But I truly didn't care. He is my boyfriend, I can buy him things. Even if it was a pointless little pillow.

The women handed me my change back, almost dropping the coins. She put the pillow in a small decrotive bag and handed it to me, where I then handed it to Gumball.

He rolled his blueish eyes at me and took the bag, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Marshall."

"Sure thing Sugar tits." I smirked and he of course gasped and slapped my arm, his face heating up.

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