Burning Low.

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ok. this update is going to be short. I promise you an update this weekend but I'm pressed on time so it will be brief.

~Marshalls POV~

Why is that all I ever think anymore?

It always feels like I understand something perfectly. Then one little incident happens, and I have to rethink my choices.

Marceline was drug off about forty-five minutes ago.

I could have flown over the gate and killed that guy.

I could have settled it peacfully.

But instead, I did nothing.

because Confusion held me back.

It told me my options, but only told me a portion of the outcomes.

Confusion leaves you to decifer the little parts of the effects your choice makes.

Had I killed the guy, Fionna would have died, because Flame would have known we where here, and refuse to give us the precious liquid our dying friend so desperately needs.

Had I ended it peacefully, Then I more than likely would have been tricked. Fire people have a knack for deceiving others after they get what they're after.

Leaving it alone?

Who knows. It was my final option.

I felt a touch on my shoulder. I turned my head away from the hole in the gate to look at Finn.

"Marshall.. Its ok dude. We'll get her out of here too."

He smiled sympathetically. He understands what it's like being in the position of possibly losing your sister.

I leaned my cool forehead against the obsidian wall, staring at nothing and drawing in a few shakey breaths.

Anger? Yes. Anxiety? Yes. Fear? No.

I'm not scared. If there's one thing I've learned in my one thousand year old life, it's that there's nothing to fear.

Everything happens for a reason, only the choices we make can prevent certain outcomes.

I feel anxious because Fionna's life and possibly Marcelines are on the line, and one simple mistake I make could kill them both.

Anger because I saw my sibling being beaten, and what did I do? Nothing.

But I can't sit around and worry, because that gets us less than nowhere.

I stood up, and cleared my throat, brushing any suit and ashes off of my pants.

"I know we will." I only half heartedly believe it, but I'm saying it for everyone else's sake.

~Gumballs POV.~
I saw it.
Finn saw it.
Mochro saw it.

But worst of all, Marshall saw it. He saw Marceline, his own sister, being tortured by that sorry excuse for a person.

I feel Marshall has built a wall around himself. A barrier of sorts to keep emotion out. He only seemed partially upset to the fact of what he just witnessed. He stared at that small opening for thirty minutes, his only sounds being his hard breathing.

I want to comfort him, I truly do. Because seeing him being unaffected by something that would absolutely kill me, It hurts myself.

I understand, a person can only take so much pain, disappointment, trickery, and just down right evil before they lock themselves in a shell. Once inside the cacoon of unemotion, they refuse to let anyone in for fear of them breaking that shell, and then leaving.

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