I Need To Save You...

373 18 4

~Gumballs POV~
"Marshall, be quiet! Someone will hear us! They'll call security!"

I don't understand.... twenty minutes ago he was perfectly fine. Well, angry, but fine.

Then ten minutes into our walk, he kept sighing. I assumed it was from annoyance that we're having to do this.... Then came the sniffling.
'The smoke is getting to him.' I kept telling myself.

I told myself not to care. To not show that I care and to prove I'm just as fine without him.

But here we are.

I have a whaling Marshall on the ground, causing a huge racket. If it wasn't for the fact we cant be caught, I wouldn't care.

Why is he crying?

I heard a commotion coming within the walls of the kingdom.

He may hate me for this, but I wrapped my arm around his neck and covered his mouth and nose to help quiet him down.

"Marshall hush... shhh... It's ok."

I can't believe I'm doing this. Comforting a man who doesn't give half a koalas brain about me.

I half pushed and half drug him over to a tree, my hand never leaving his face. I leaned the heavy Vampire against the tree and stroked his hair.

The citizens calmed and the kingdom returned to a normal sound of bubbling lava and various snaps of burning objects collapsing on themselves.

I noticed Marshall had mellowed out and was simply shaking lightly and breathing heavily.

I moved my hand and he just sat there, quiet.
"Marshall, please tell me whats wr-"

"No." Glob, he is really putting up a fight with this.

I cant let him keep holding back whatever it is. He needs to stop shutting everybody out and learn that people can help him.

"Pushing me away isn't going to help you in any way, Marshall."

He just looked at me, his brows furrowed.

"Don't tell me what works for me and what doesn't, Gumball."
I pinched the bridge of my nose to keep myself from slapping his ignorant self.
"No. This time, listen to someone else besides your own voice. Whatever is troubling you isn't just going to disappear. You can't keep pushing it back. It will just come back in a storm so much worse than it began. You have to let me help. I'm not going to leave you. I won't shun you, I won't disappear, I am not going to hurt y-"


He stood up and towered over the still sitting me. He raised his voice to a new volume that could have been more destructive to my confidence, had it not been for my focus on his words.

I...hurt him? That's a little backwards.

He chewed his bottom lip and allowed his once glowing red eyes to return to their more natural red tone.

"You hurt me, Gumball. You don't understand, and honestly, I wouldn't either if I were you." He sat back down beside me, but avoided my gaze.
"You broke down my wall, and now I can't kick you out. You're slowly defeating my defense like an army. I want you out of my head. I can't think straight. I don't just like you, I-I.... love.. you. And I hate myself for that. I dont want to love you."

His voice cracked a little at his last sentence. But wait. He... loves me? But why doesn't he want to?

"Marshall... You're the one that doesn't want to be with me."

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