In Session.

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"Glob... is it seriously time? Why do I have to go to school, what do I need to learn anyways?" Rolling over on my side, I realised my alarm was still going off. "Shut. Up." Punching the clock across the room helps me wake up I suppose. I yawned, then stood up, still aching to go back to sleep. Walking to my closet, I laid my head upon it and groaned. "Why...." Man, this sucks. I may be popular, but I'm so not ready to hear drama, see slutty girls putting themselves out there, annoying jocks who somehow think they're better, let alone bitchy teachers who think they actually do something useful. Opening my closet door, I rub my face, hoping it would somehow help me focus on the task at hand. Knowing that doing so wasn't going to speed up the process, I gave up and settled for my usual attire, A red plaid shirt, Blue jeans, and converse. Why dress up for something I didn't want to do anyways? It's a good thing I don't feel much of temperature, because it's apparently hot outside. The news said 88° was the low today, and walking outside, I could feel a very slight raise in temperature. "God, this day is going to suck." I hope gumballs here today, it's always fun to pick on the little guy. He's part of my friend circle I guess you could say. Well, my real friend circle, which includes Cake, Fionna, Monochrome, gumball, and on occasion Flame Prince joins in for the ride. I don't really like that dude, he seems way to sketchy for me. I like picking on gum ball the most because he gets mad easily, and that's the whole purpose. I like the way his cheeks glow a deep pink, deeper than his normal skin, and how his brows lower down as he keeps his cool. He's different, but I like different. Being normal is too, lame. When I safely flew to school and went inside to wait on my pals, I heard a commotion outside, I let my bordem get the best of me, so I walked outside.




Oh wow... that time already? Good thing I've been awake. I never get much sleep the night before school comes back around. I arose from my bed, taking in the sweet smell of freshly made bagels from some floor below. The Peppermint maid must have made me some for my first day back. She knows how much I hate school, but love bagels, thank goodness. I walked to my dresser and picked out my attire for this dreaded day. Believe me, it's not learning I hate, it's the obnoxious, unruly teenagers who think they can't die. Well, I suppose one can't. I wonder if he'll actually show up today. If he does, that's going to ruin my hopefully joyous day. Marshall Lee has always had a knack for getting on my last nerve, but Fionna likes him, and FiFi usually has a good sense in friends, so I guess he must not be too bad, once you get to know him. Fortunately, I'm just going to avoid him all together. I finally decided on a simply pink cardigan to go over a white-T shirt, with a pair of white skinny jeans. Not too classy, not too laid-back. After realising i was running late, I rushed downstairs, told the maid thank you, then rushed outside to walk to school, cursing myself aloud for getting hung up on thinking about Marshall. Soon upon arrival, the campus was circling and chanting the all to well words, "Fight, Fight, Fight!" I stood my distance and sighed. "Already? We can't even enter the building and there's a fight?" Society makes me cringe most of the time, minus the few friends I have who tend to restore that faith. Fionna always seems to have a positive outlook on things, which helps a lot. He best friend Cake, who's dating my best friend Monochrome, is always sassy. She isn't rude, or argumentative, she has this level of sarcasm with a hint of sincerity to it. Monochrome is really quiet, but he's a fantastic listener. When he does talk, he tries his best to just make you smile, not to mention he's very proper with great ediquite. Perhaps that's why we get along so well. Marshall Lee, If you can call him a friend, is always the life of our party. (Or, more like their party.) He is your typical teenage boy. He has ladies falling left and right for him, he constantly flirts with his charming ways. He plays the bass and he's an amazing singer, but he also loves to party and break rules. I shudder just thinking about him at parties we invite him to. Getting wasted, breaking rules, and leading girls on is considered a usual party for him. Being an amazing singer, he get's asked a lot to attend. His fangirls that he pays little attention to worship the ground he walks on and he eats that up more than he does apples. I can see the reason behind the fan girls though, he is... I guess.. handsome... Hearing my self think this, I shudder. How dare I even think that!? How disgusting of me. He's only a friend. An annoying, immature, unintelligent, funny, entertaining, friend. I was snapped out of my train of thought as a clearing in the gathering appeared, and I realised who was fighting.

"Oh yeah, this year is going to be great."

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