But Who's Going to Save Me? II

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~Fionna's POV~

A blinding light burst through my vision.

The end of the tunnel, I presume.

I shut my eyes tight, as the brightness was too much to endure. It was like looking into the sun from a two foot distance. I waited, and waited till my vision returned to normal. I peeked through my eyelids, and I wasn't in the never ending paradise.

I was in a hospital room.

That light must have been the examination lamp propped over my cot. All I could really makeout was the steady beeping of a machine, a buzz that almost sounded like talking, and various shapes that were too blurry to recognise.

What if I am still dead? I can't feel anything?

~Finns POV~

"Am I dead?"

Her voice echoed through the room, shutting every mouth in the confined space and causing us all to stare at her.

It sounded like her voicebox had been ripped out, then some low-class surgeon sewed it back in place. I suppose that's what you sound like if you've been asleep for three days.


I answered in a low, quiet voice. I can't believe it. She was...dead... Two minutes ago. A flat lined heart, no breathing, nothing. Just dead. Yet, here she is. The Hero of Aaa has officially conqured death.

"Not yet, but you may be if we don't get you this medicine. Pheobe, may I?" The doctor asked, turning to Flame Princess.

The young royalty smiled and stuck her arm out, awaiting for the removal of her blood. The Doctor took a long, rather thick needle, and inserted it into her, filling the needle about three fourths full.

Fi still had her eyes shut tight. The nurses grabbed her arm and moved it to her chest so they could have acess to her ribcage. "This is going to burn for about an hour. Don't worry, that means it's working." The doctor placed the needle below her third rib, and pushed the liquid in.

Fionna jumped up, eyes wide and filled with pain. The look on her face told me it burnt more than anyone could imagine.

After the procedure was over, Fionna was put back down with anesthetic.

"She won't slip back down into a coma now. She is just sleeping to help her body process the medicine."

The doctor reassured us, and escorted us out.

~Marshalls POV~

"So... Anybody else not want to go to school tomorrow?"

A small smiled splayed across my face as we continued walking. This weekend has been crazy. I don't exactly know how we're just suppose to continue like none of this happened, but I guess we have to. Because that's life.

I just can't help but feel like I fucked up. None of this would have happened if I wasn't so desperate to feel loved in my earlier years. My mom hates me, My dad doesn't know I exsist, my friends think I'm an asshole, everybody else just lusts over me. But Ashley, she felt diffrent. She made me feel like I wasn't just a piece of trash placed on this earth for others to walk on. When I was with her, I felt important, like I was needed. Like for once, someone else needed me just as much as I needed them. Or, atleast, that's how it started.

You see, we're both immortal. Or, well, She can die, but it just takes a lot longer.

So after we had been together for a few years and she had moved in, things changed. When I was at work, she would be out. 'Getting groceries' or 'Visiting Family' and stuff. Except, when I got home, there would be no groceries.

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