Chapter 4

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Athena woke up and started to put her stuff together

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Athena woke up and started to put her stuff together. Today she would be going back to Hogwarts. Harry was still sleeping so she decided to wake him up. "Wake up Harry you have to get ready we're going back to Hogwarts today." She said shaking him awake. "I'm up, I'm up." Harry said as he woke up.  "You need to go to your room and get all your stuff okay. When you finish meet me downstairs." She told him. He nodded his head and left the room.

Athena changed and went downstairs. She saw Fred and George and approached them. "Good morning Freddie, Georgie." She greeted. "Morning Thena." They said. "Do you want some tea?" Fred asked her. "No thank you I'm fine." She said. The Rest of the Weasleys,Hermione,and Harry finally came down. The ministry cars where outside and they all went into one.

They finally made it to Platform 9¾. She said her goodbyes to Molly and Arthur and just as Athena was about to board the train with Fred and George she heard someone call her name. She turned and saw it was Cedric. "Cedric!" She exclaimed jumping into his arms. "I missed you so much Thena." He said hugging her really tight. "How was your summer?" She asked him. "It was good went to America with mum and dad." He told her. "How was yours?" "Well it was good even though my murder of a father escaped so I'd say it was pretty good." She responded. "Well at least your other dad is our new defense against the dark arts teacher." Ced told her. "Yeah. Well come one let's go find a compartment and I want some chocolate frogs." Athena said dragging Cedric. "You and your chocolate. Hey where's Lily?" Cedric asked her. "Oh Fred and George have her." She told him.

They found a compartment and saw Fred,George and Lee where there already. "Oh Lee your favorite has arrived!" She exclaimed entering the compartment. "Thena! Sorry Cedric you're in my way." Lee said pushing Cedric out of the way so he can hug Athena. "How are you Thena?" Lee asked her. "I'm okay. Now Fred give me back my cat please." Athena said. "No Lily likes me more than you." Fred said scratching behind the cat's ear. "But she's my cat. Cedric tell Fred to give me my Cat!" She whined. "Oh yeah tell your little boyfriend." Fred said. Both Athena and Cedric blushed. "He's not my boyfriend and now for that comment you've lost your privileges for the Marauders map." Athena said.  Fred, George and Athena had found her fathers map in their first year while they had detention with Filch. "Uggh fine but you'll bore the cat with your reading." Fred told her. She whacked him on the head and said "there is nothing wrong with liking to read." "Cedric tell her to be nice." Fred pouted playfully. Cedric rolled his eyes and said "Athena do you want chocolate?" She nodded her head happily. "Ok but you have to be nice ok." He said. "Ok." She responded crossing her arms and sat down.

The train started to move and the boys were all talking about quidditch season while Athena read "Pride and Prejudice." She started to grow tired so she leaned her head on the window and went to sleep.

"We're gonna play hide and seek ok Athena I need you to hide in that closet. Uncle James and I love you and Harry very much okay. "Not Harry please." Lily pleaded. "Step aside Mudblood!" The pale man ordered. "No-." "Avada Kedavra!"  The man yelled.  Lily dropped down with a scream with her body motionless.

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