Chapter 6

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Fred,George,and Lee were all on their way to their Care for Magical Creatures class

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Fred,George,and Lee were all on their way to their Care for Magical Creatures class. They all didn't realize that Athena had sneaked off so she would be on time for her Ancient Runes class. "C'mon now, get a move on." Hagrid said to the class. As they started walking down to the woods Fred noticed Athena wasn't with them anymore. "Hey where's Thena I thought she was with us?" He asked. "Aww is ickle Freddiekins worried about his girlfriend?" George teased him. "She's not my girlfriend." Fred said, trying not to blush. "Gather round. Find yerself a spot. Now firs thing yeh want to do is open yeh books." Hagrid told the class. "How do you open it Hagrid?" George asked. "You stroke the spine of course." Athena said appearing beside him. "Ahh. When did you get here? You were with us for a while then you disappeared. It's like you're at two places at once." Fred said. "Two places at once. Fred are you okay there is no way I could be at two places at once." Athena said with a small smirk. "Hey class say hello to Buckbeak." Hagrid said, getting Buckbeak.

"He's beautiful." Athena said. "What is that?" Lee asked. "It's a Hippogriff, Lee." Athena beamed. "It's a cross between a horse and an eagle, Hippogriffs are very proud creatures. They are prone to attack if they are not shown respect and are only loyal when you show them that proper respect." Athena finished. "Good job Athena 10 points to Gryffindor." Hagrid said. "Now who would like to say hi?" He asked.

Athena stepped up without hesitation. "Good job Athena yeh want te let im take the firs move. It's polite, see just take a step forward and bow. If Buckbeak bows back, yeh aloud to touch em. Ready?" Hagrid asked. "I'm ready." Athena said. Athena took small steps towards Buckbeak and once she got to him she bowed and kept eye contact with him. Buckbeak looked at her for a while then bowed.
"Well done Athena. Go on give em a pat." Hagrid told her. Athena took it as a sign to go up to him and pet him. Everyone watched with nervous looks. Athena reached her hand out and pet him. Buckbeak then gave a reassuring pur. The whole class clapped for Athena. "Can I ride him Hagrid?" Athena asked him. "I reckon he'll let yeh." He told her. "She climbed onto Buckbeak's back and Hagrid patted him. Buckbeak flew up and flew around the castle. The view was beautiful.

After a while they came back and the class clapped for her again. Hagrid ended the class after a while and Fred,George,and Athena separated from Lee because they had Quidditch practice. "I can't wait to beat those bloody Slytherin's." Fred said. "You do know not all Slytherins are bad. There are just some people who ruin it for them like my annoying cousin." Athena said. "Yeah whatever let's hurry before Wood kills us." George told both Athena and Fred and started running towards the pitch.

They arrived at the pitch and went into the locker rooms to charge into their quidditch uniform. Once they finished changing they grabbed their brooms and went back to the pitch and mounted them. Wood had them do laps around the pitch. Athena,Angelina,Katie,and Alicia were all practicing throwing the Quaffle in the hoops. "All right you lot get down here I have some news." Oliver said calling them all down. "What is it Ollie?" Athena asked him. "We're not playing Slytherin anymore because their seeker is injured." He said. "That's rubbish we all know he's faking it. I would know he's a bloody drama queen and my annoying cousin." Athena said. "Yeah it was just a scratch." Fred commented."Anyways we're playing Hufflepuff." Oliver informed all of them. "Hey Thena isn't Cedric the new seeker?" George asked her. "Yeah he is. He's also captain." Athena said. "He's really cute." Angelina whispered to Katie. "Hey that happens to be my best friend your talking about." Athena said protectively. "Aww don't worry they're not going to steal you boyfriend Thena." Fred teased her. Her cheeks started to turn pink. "Shut it I know you like An-." She was cut off by Fred who put his hand over her mouth. She licked his hand so he would take it off her mouth. "Eww Athena that is gross." Fred said wiping her saliva off his hand. "All right. Get back to practice all of you!"

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