Chapter 1

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Summer at the Burrow

 Athena lay soundly asleep in the Weasley residence

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Athena lay soundly asleep in the Weasley residence. She currently sleeps in Fred and George's room. "Thena wake up." Athena heard a voice say. "Go away, Fred." She said as she assumed it was one of her ginger head best friends. "Wow, I've been gone that long Little Rose doesn't recognize it's me anymore." Athena heard the voice say and that's when she realized it wasn't Fred but it was Bill. "Billy!" She jumped out of the bed and into his arms. "I've missed you so much little Rose," Bill said as he hugged the girl tightly. "What are you doing here?" Athena asked. "I came to watch the World Cup of course. But I really couldn't wait to see my favorite girl." Bill told her with a smile. "I'm so happy. I've missed you so much. By the way, I love the hair and the earring. How'd Molly react?" Athena asked as he put her down and they started walking out of the room. "Oh you know gave me a bit of a hard time. Nothing new." Bill told her.

"Great she's finally awake," Fred said as Bill and Athena walked into the kitchen. "Oh shut it. It's not my fault you and George snore like pigs." Athena said as Fred passed her, her cup of tea. "So when's Harry getting here?" Athena asked taking a seat at the table with Bill. "We'll be going for him later." Mr. Weasley told her. "Is it all right if I go as well?" Athena asked. "Of course dear," Molly told her.  "So how's that boyfriend of yours little Rose?" Bill asked her. "He's not my boyfriend Bill. And he's fine. We'll see him tomorrow." Athena told him. "Oh talking about Ceddy boy eh, I'm surprised we haven't caught those two sucking faces though Freddie here would be jealous. Ow." George exclaimed as Fred kicked his shin. "I would not be jealous Besides like Thena said they're just friends," Fred said.  "So Bill any girls or boys in Egypt?" Athena asked changing the subject.

A few hours passed and Athena was getting ready to pick Harry up. "Ready Thena?" Fred asked. "Yeah let's go get Harry," Thena said and walked down with Fred. They were going to use the floo system to pick Harry up. Athena was the last one to go and when she landed in what she assumed was Dursley's fireplace she saw nothing but darkness. Athena accidentally bumped into someone causing them to leave their hands on her waist. "Sorry," Athena said. "It's okay Love." She heard the voice of Fred. "Have they boarded the fireplace?" Athena asked confused. "I believe so," Arthur answered. Arthur then began speaking to Harry through the wall. "Stand back children," Arthur said and a loud bang erupted. Everyone quickly made their way out of the fireplace.

As Athena walked out she noticed the shocked expressions Harry's aunt and uncle had on their faces. "Hello, Harry." Athena greeted him with a hug as Arthur talked to Vernon and Petunia. "Hey Thena," Harry said. "Ready to get out of here?" Athena asked him. "Of course," Harry told her. "Harry, where's your trunk?" The twins asked as they approached.  "It's upstairs," Harry told them. The twins then went upstairs to grab his trunk. "Hi, you must be Dudley." Athena greeted as she saw another boy in the room with a petrified look on his face. "Yeah, that's Dudley," Harry told her as he was still frozen in shock. "Okay then," Athena said and soon the twins came down with Harry's trunk.

"Alright, we should get going come on you lot," Arthur said and started up a fire. "Go on Ron." Arthur pushed him forward and Ron stood in the fireplace. "The burrow!" Ron exclaimed then disappeared. "Fred you next," Arthur told him. "Going. Oh no!" Fred said as he tripped and Athena realized he'd dropped some toffees wrapped in different colors of wrapping paper. She automatically knew they were Ton-Tongue Toffees. She saw one land next to Dudley's foot and as Fred entered the fireplace and disappeared Dudley picked it up and put it in his mouth. "Let us know how it goes," George told her before disappearing into the fireplace as well with Harry's trunk. "Athena you're next," Arthur told her. Before she stepped into the fireplace she saw Dudley's tongue start to grow a whole foot longer and start to turn purple. "Athena, Harry will be behind you. I can help." Was the last thing Athena heard before returning to the burrow.

"Did he eat it?" Fred asked her as he helped her out of the fireplace. "Yes. You two are ruthless. Molly is going to kill you." Athena said as she smacked him. "What was that?" Harry asked as he came through the fireplace. "Ton-Tongue Toffee, George and I made invented them. Took us most of the summer." Fred said laughing. "What did these two knuckleheads do now little Rose?" Bill asked as he walked into the living room with another redhead next to him. "Charlie, when did you get here? And you know them Billy always getting into trouble." Athena said greeting Charlie. "Not too long ago," Charlie told her. "Harry this is Bill and Charlie. They're the older Weasley." Athena introduced them to Harry. "Nice to meet you," Harry said shaking their hands. "Boys that wasn't funny! What on earth did you give that muggle boy?" Arthur yelled as he finally came through the fireplace.

"We didn't give him anything." Fred and George said. "I accidentally dropped it and he happened to pick it up," Fred said. "You dropped it on purpose! You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet." Mr.Weasley exclaimed. "How long did his tongue get?" George asked. "It was four feet long before his parents let me shrink it!" Mr.Weasley said. Everyone started to laugh. "This isn't funny! That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of muggles, and my own sons-," Mr. Weasley said but Fred interrupted. "We didn't give it to him because he was a muggle!" He exclaimed. "We gave it to him because he's a great bullying git. Isn't he Harry?" George asked. "Yeah, he is Mr.Weasley," Harry told him. "That isn't the point. Wait until I tell your mother." Arthur says. "Tell me what? Oh hello, Harry dear." Molly asked walking into the room. 

Now Hermione and Ginny entered the room as well. "Tell me what Arthur?" Molly asked again. "It's nothing Molly, Fred, and George just- but I've had a word with them-," Arthur started to say but Molly interrupted. "What have they done this time?! If it's got anything to do with Wizarding Wheezes-," Molly said and Athena noticing Molly would soon blow up at the boys,she caught the other's attention. "Uh, Ron why don't you go show Harry where he'll be sleeping and Bill and Charlie will come with me to set up dinner," Athena said. "But Harry knows where he's sleeping he slept- ow Hermione. Oh right." Ron said catching on to what Athena was trying to do. "We'll go as well." Fred and George said but Molly stopped them and continued to yell. "Sorry," Athena whispered to the boys as she walked outside with Bill and Charlie.  "They'll never learn will they?" Charlie asked. "You know them Besides it could've been worse," Athena said.

"You two are Just the same." Athena laughed as she watched Bill and Charlie fight with the tables. "Whatever little Rose. We're just trying to have fun." Bill told her.  "You two better fix the tables now because here comes Molly," Athena told them and they immediately fixed the tables. "Dinners ready everyone," Molly yelled and everyone came to sit at the table. Athena sat next to Bill and Fred on the other side of her. "Hey Thena how'd you do on your O.W.L.S?" Hermione asked her. "I did fine," Thena said. "You did more than bloody fine you passed all of them with flying colors. It's bloody why she got perfect." Fred said. "Congratulations little Rose. See you didn't have to worry about anything." Bill said kissing her temple. "Anyways who's excited for the Quidditch World Cup?" Thena said changing the subject. Everyone talked excitedly about tomorrow.
Updated <3

Also Jamie Fraser as Charlie Weasley😍

Also Jamie Fraser as Charlie Weasley😍

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