Chapter 15

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It was a week later and the O

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It was a week later and the O.W.LS exam had arrived quicker than Thena expected. The boys had made it up to her and each got her a choclate bar. Cedric also gave her white roses as those were her favorite flowers. Athena woke up early and went to the great hall to eat breakfast so she would be able to have extra time to study.

When she got to the great hall she didn't expect anyone to be there yet but she saw Professor Mcgonagall sitting at the teachers table by herself so she decided to join her. "Hello Minnie." Athena greeted. "Hello Miss Lupin-Black. What are you doing up so early?" Mcgonagall asked her. "I couldn't sleep anymore and I wanted to eat an early breakfast so I can have time to study before the exams." Athena told her. "I'm sure you'll do fine dear you're on top of all your classes. There's no need to worry." Minnie said to her. "Thank you Minnie but I just want to make papa proud and the boys are barley taking the O.W.L.S seriously no pun intended anyways so they stress me out because I know they can pass they just need to focus. Like Fred and George have brilliant minds with the pranks we do and yes I help sometime but its mostly Fred and George who come up with the ideas so I know they can do it and get enough O.W.L.S to open their Joke shop. And Cedric well he wants to be an Auror and wants to do everything to make his father proud but I tell him he doesn't need to prove anything to his dad hes already proud of him. He's prefect for Godric's sake and Captian of the Quidditch team. And me well I just need to get enough O.W.L.S so I can get into the ministry to help with th werewolves rights and all the creatures that are getting mistreated. so I really need to pass." Athena said finishing her rant.

"You're father is already proud of you Athena. You're his pride and joy. He's so proud and suprised you're even focusing in school with you're dad being out. So don't you worry that head of yours dear." Minnie said giving her a smile. "Thank you. Now I'm going to review bye Minne!" Athena exclaimed as she left the great hall and headed to the libary. Athena greeted Madam Pince then sat in her corner where she would study. She took all her stuff out and started to study.

It was time for breakfast so Cedric,the twins, and the rest of hogwarts students were eating. The twins thought it was weird since Thena wasn't sitting next to them today since she loved breakfast,so they went up to the Hufflepuff table along with Lee to ask if he's seen her. "Oi Cedric have you seen Thena?" Fred asked him. "No I haven't she usually comes with you guys." Cedric told him confused. Mcgonagall saw the four boys talking most likley looking for their heterochromia eyed friend so she decided to walk up to them and help them. "She's in the libary boys." Mcgonagall told them. "Thank you Professor." Cedric said giving her a smile then standing up to go get Athena with Fred,George, and Lee. Mcgonagall shook her head with a smile then went back to the teacher's table.

Athena was reading her potions book when the doors of the libary opened. "We finally found you." The boys said out of breath. "I guess you have. Minnie told you didn't she?" Athena asked the boys. The boys shook their heads yes. "Now its almost time for the exams so let's go we can't be late." Athena said grabbing her stuff with the help of Cedric and went to the hall where they'd be taking the exams.

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