Chapter 12

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Back to classes

It was now time to return to classes and Athena was busier than ever

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It was now time to return to classes and Athena was busier than ever.  She was studying a lot because her O.W.L.S where coming up. She also had the game versus Ravenclaw coming up so she barely had time to spend with twins, Lee,and Cedric.  She was currently in library studying when Harry came. "Thena!" He yelled. "Oh hi Harry I can't really talk I need to study." She told him. "It's about Hagrid." Harry said. "Uh ok what is it?" She asked looking up at him. "Buckbeak lost." Harry said sadly.  "Oh um. How's Hagrid?" She asked concerned. "Not really Hermione had to help him calm down." He told her.  "Poor Hagrid I guess I can take a break to see him." Athena said getting her stuff. "Would you like to come?" She asked Harry. "No I have to make sure Hermione and Ron don't kill each other. Ron thinks Crookshanks is trying to kill Scabbers." Harry told. "Harry have you seen Lily I haven't seen her in a while and she's usually with Crookshanks because she doesn't like scabbers." Athena said. "No sorry well I better go bye Thena." Harry said.

Athena left the library and headed to Hagrid's. On the way she passed Cedric and gave him a smile and he ran up to her. "Hey love." He greeted. "Hi Ced." She greeted back. Athena then heard growling and saw it was Snuffles along with Lily. "Snuffles be nice and Lily where have you been hmm." She said as she pet Snuffles and picked up her cat. "Why are going to Hagrid's?" Cedric asked her. "Buckbeak lost and I thought I'd bring Hagrid some of my chocolate chip cookies and some hot chocolate." She said. "Poor Hagrid." Cedric said. As they made their way there snuffles kept close to Athena and would growl when Cedric would get to close to her.

They finally made it to Hagrid's hut and Athena knocked on the door. "Hagrid it's Athena and Cedric we came to check on you I brought chocolate chip cookies and some hot chocolate!" She said as she knocked.  Hagrid opened the door and Thena notice that his eyes were read and puffy. "Hello Hagrid." She said. "Ello Athenar and Cedric." He said. "I'm so sorry about my annoying cousin I wish I could help." She said. "S'alright who's this?" Hagrid asked referring to snuffles. "Oh this is snuffles I found him the last time I was in the forest." She told him. "Would yer like to come inside snuffles might get along with Fang." Hagrid said motioning for Cedric and Athena to go inside. Athena put Lily down so she could play with Fang and Snuffles. "Thank you Hagrid would you like some hot chocolate?" She asked him. "Yes please." He responded. "Here have some cookies too." Cedric said passing hike the chocolate chip cookies. As she was making the hot chocolate she heard Hagrid's sniffles and saw Cedric trying his best to comfort the half giant.

She finished making the hot chocolate she gave Hagrid and Cedric a mug and then got one for herself and gave Lily a bowl of milk while Fang and Snuffles got a bowl of water. "Do you think there's anything I could do to help. I can do some research and try and get another trial Dumbledore can help me too." Athena suggested. "S'alright Thena Dumbledore did all he could." Hagrid told her. "It's horrible Buckbeak doesn't deserve it." She said sadly. "I know but we can't do anything I wish we could help." Cedric told her holding her hand and fiddling with her ring. "Well it's gettin late yer want to head back before Filch catches yer." Hagrid told them. "Thank yer for the hot chocolate and cookies Thena." Hagrid told the girl. Athena gave Hagrid a hug and walked back to the castle with Cedric with Lily in his arms and Snuffles beside him.

They made it to the castle and Snuffles parted from them. Cedric walked Athena to the Gryffindor common room. He handed Lily back to Athena and she said goodnight to him and head into the common room. She entered her dorm and got ready for bed.

I leave tomorrow!! Also thanks to the people who read my stories it means a lot to me because this quarantine writing and Harry Potter have been the only thing that has really kept me going so I appreciate it  <3

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