Chapter 2

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The Quidditch World Cup

"It's time to wake up dear," Molly said shaking Thena

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"It's time to wake up dear," Molly said shaking Thena. "Alright, I'll be down in a little," Athena told Molly. "Wake the boys too please dear," Molly asked her before leaving the room. "Fred, George time to wake up," Athena said as she hit them with her pillow. "Okay. Okay, geez stop hitting us." Fred said groggily. Athena then left the room to change in the bathroom and once she finished she went downstairs.

"Morning." Athena greeted Hermione, Ginny, and Arthur. "Morning." They all replied. "How come Bill, Charlie, and Percy aren't awake," Fred complained as he walked down with George. "Well, they're apparating, aren't they? So they can have a bit of a lie-in." Molly told the boys. "Why can't we Apparate," George asked. "Because you're not of age and haven't done your test," Molly told him. "Eat something boys we have a long walk," Arthur told them. Ron and Harry were the last ones to walk down.

"Dad, where are we going?" Ron asked as everyone walked. "Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" Arthur told him. Athena walked with Hermione and Ginny. "Arthur it's about time son!" Athena heard the voice of her best friend's dad. "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Arthur said turning back to Harry and Ron. Athena let out a laugh. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry." Arthur said as he approached Amos and when he got to him Athena saw someone familiar jump down from the tree. "And this strapping young lad must be," Arthur started to say but was interrupted by a very excited Athena. "Cedric!" Athena said as she ran up to him. "Hello, love." Cedric greeted her and then shook Arthur's hand. Hermione and Ginny both gave each other a look as they looked at Cedric and Athena. "This way," Arthur said and the rest followed.

"Yes, it's Uh just over here," Amos yelled as he noticed the port key. Everyone stood around the boot except Harry who was confused. "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked. "That isn't just any manky old boot, mate. It's a port key." Fred and George told him. "Time to go!" Amos yelled. "What's a port key?" Harry asked still confused as everyone grabbed onto the boot. "Ready after three. One, two,-," "Harry!" Arthur yelled for Harry to grab on. "Three!" Amos said and a white flash suddenly appeared and everyone was spinning through the air. "Let go kids," Arthur said. "What?" Hermione asked. "Let Go!" Arthur yelled and everyone let go quickly falling to the ground except for Cedric, Arthur, and Amos. "Ow get off Fred," Athena said as he landed on her. "I bet that cleared your sinuses," Amos said as he landed gracefully. Cedric then walked to Thena and helped her up. "You alright love?" He asked. "Yes, thanks for asking Ceddykins," Fred answered. "Oh shut it," Cedric said pushing him away and grabbing Thena's hand then catching up with the others.

"Well, kids welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Arthur announced. Athena and the others looked around gazing at what the quidditch World Cup had to offer. They all started walking through the various tents. "Parting of the ways, I think, old Chap. See you at the match." Amos bid farewell to everyone as he and Cedric start walking towards their tents. "Bye Cedric!" Everyone exclaimed as he hugged Thena.

When they reached their tent they all started filing inside except for Harry who looked at the tent with confusion. He walked in and realized it was much bigger than it looked on the outside. "I love magic." He said. "Tell me about it," Athena said as she noticed him gawking. "Girls, choose a bunk and unpack," Arthur instructed. "So you and Cedric?" Ginny asked as they started unpacking. "Shut it," Thena told her and threw a pillow at Ginny causing a war to happen.
"Why don't you kids go wander around while we wait for Bill, Percy, and Charlie," Arthur told them. Fred, George, Athena, and Ginny all went together while Harry, Ron, and Hermione went another way.

They had been buying souvenirs and indulging in the World Cup. They had found Cedric along the way and he had joined them as well. Athena current stood scolding the twins as they had just used all of their money to place bets. "You bloody gits, if Molly doesn't kill you herself I'll do it!" Athena said as they kept walking. "It'll be fine Thena, just watch we'll win it all back." The twins told her. "You better hope you do," Athena said. "It's alright Thena it's not the first time they've done something stupid," Cedric said. "Hey!" The twins said offended. "Athena!" She heard a voice say and when she turned she found her former quidditch captain. "Oli!" Athena said jumping into the boy's arms and hugging him. "How has your summer been? Ready for a new season?" Oliver asked her. "It's been fun and yes I can't wait," Athena told him. "Hey boys and Ginny." Oliver greeted them. "You should come to meet my parents they've been dying to meet who I made the next Quidditch captain," Oliver said as he led her to the tent the others following behind. "Mum, Dad this is Thena one of the best Chasers I know and Gryffindor's new Quidditch Captain," Oliver said to his parents. "Athena! It's so nice to finally meet you! I've had to hear about you through Oliver many times and now I'm finally getting to meet you." Mrs. Wood said as she hugged Athena. "Ah and who might these young lads and lass be?" Mrs.Wood asked. "This is Fred, George, Cedric, and Ginny." Athena introduced them. "Hello, ma'am." They all greeted. "These boys are so handsome they must be all over you." Mrs.Wood said and Athena's face turned a pink color. "Trust me ma'am she'd be lucky to end up with any of us," Fred said. Before Athena could respond Ron came over and interrupted. "Dad wants us back they're here." He said. "Write to me okay? Bye Oli, and it was very nice to meet you." Athena said before she walked away with the rest. Cedric grabbed her hand.

When Athena walked into the tent she saw the rest of the Weasley family. Everyone ate as the game was about to start soon.

Athena unlike most of the Weasley wore red and black in support of Bulgaria. "Blimey dad how far up are we?" Ron asked as he looked over the stairs. "Well put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know." Athena heard the voice of Lucius Malfoy. "Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." She then heard the voice of her cousin Draco. "Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people." Lucius told his son as he hit him with his cane in the chest. "Let's go ignore him," Athena said as she started pushing the others to keep walking but when Harry turned to keep walking Lucius stopped him. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can." Lucius said then walked away with Draco. "Just ignore him, Harry. God, I can't believe I'm related to that arse." Athena said as she walked up to their seats Cedric behind her.

"Come on up take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." Amos said. "Come on!" Fred exclaimed. Thena stood in between Cedric and Fred cheering along with the many people that filled the stadium. "It's the Irish! There's Troy!" "And Mullet!" "And Moran!" Athena, Fred, and George exclaimed as the players arrived. The end of their brooms blew green and white smoke, fireworks exploded everywhere one even turning into a dancing leprechaun. "Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!" Everyone cheered. "Here come the Bulgarians!" George exclaimed. "Yes!" Fred yelled as the players from the Bulgarians flew through the leprechaun and the green was replaced with red smoke. "Who's that?" Ginny asked as she saw the Bulgarian seeker do a handstand on his broom. "That sis is the best seeker in the world," George told her.

"I bet the Irish will win," Cedric told her. "I'll take you on that bet," Athena told him. "So what do I get when I win?" Cedric asked her. "Whatever you'd like," Athena told him. "Okay well I think a kiss would be nice wouldn't it?" Cedric said. "Oh on your dreams Ced," Fred said as he overheard their conversation. "A bet is a bet, Fred," Athena told him. "Of course only if you're comfortable with it," Cedric told her. "Like I said a bet is a bet," Athena reassured.

"Good evening! As the minister of magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome every one of you to the final of the 442nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!" Fudge announced.
Another Chapter <3.

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